The Man Who Would Be King Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Would Be King Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Carnehan initially ask of the narrator?
(a) To meet him again.
(b) To keep his whereabouts a secret.
(c) To impersonate him.
(d) To deliver a message.

2. The men who stood in the narrator's way said they had been sleeping in what location?
(a) In a ditch.
(b) In a hostel.
(c) In a hotel.
(d) In a carriage.

3. Dravot told the narrator that he and Carnehan had been planning to become kings for what period of time?
(a) 3 months.
(b) 1 year.
(c) 2 years.
(d) 6 months.

4. Dravot said that it was not worth getting to know the names of what?
(a) The native animals.
(b) The native plants.
(c) The current kings.
(d) The neighboring tribes.

5. What is the meaning of the phrase, "kaa-pi chayha-yeh" (12)?
(a) Copy wanted.
(b) For sale.
(c) Charity case.
(d) Help wanted.

6. Most of the newspaper was what, according to the narrator?
(a) Blank.
(b) Lies.
(c) In Sanskrit.
(d) In English.

7. What kind of water did the Intermediate travelers drink?
(a) Roadside.
(b) Contaminated.
(c) Brackish.
(d) Potable.

8. Before leaving Dravot and Carnehan alone, the narrator told them not to take what action?
(a) Set the office on fire.
(b) Fall asleep.
(c) Burn down the bar.
(d) Get discouraged.

9. What was Carnehan's first name?
(a) Peachy.
(b) Christopher.
(c) Livingstone.
(d) Peter.

10. The narrator told Carnehan on the train that he should not engage in what type of crime within the next few days?
(a) Fraud.
(b) Murder.
(c) Polygamy.
(d) Theft.

11. What adjective did the narrator use to describe the "Contract" (18) presented to him by Dravot and Carnehan?
(a) Faded.
(b) Stained.
(c) Yellow.
(d) Greasy.

12. The narrator states on the first page of the story that he feared that his "King" (3) had met what fate?
(a) He was deposed.
(b) He was executed.
(c) He was dead.
(d) He was taken hostage.

13. What object of Dravot's was filling "half the room" (15) in the newspaper office?
(a) His ego.
(b) His luggage.
(c) His beard.
(d) His stein.

14. What was NOT an element described by the narrator as a benefit of "Native States" (8)?
(a) Submissive wives.
(b) Tigers.
(c) Picturesque scenery.
(d) Tall tales.

15. What was NOT an object perused by Darvot and Carnehan after the narrator provided it?
(a) An encyclopedia volume.
(b) A Frontier map.
(c) A map of India.
(d) A map of Kafiristan.

Short Answer Questions

1. Upon what object did Carnehan and Dravot sit within the newspaper office?

2. The narrator advised Carnehan and Dravot that no person of what type had ever been into the country where the two men were headed?

3. The narrator was on a train traveling to what location?

4. Where did the narrator go after he disembarked from the train?

5. What reason precipitated the narrator riding in a particular section on the train?

(see the answer keys)

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