The Man Who Walked Through Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Colin Fletcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Walked Through Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Colin Fletcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Fletcher pass and nearly miss altogether in "Chapter 4, Challenge?"

2. Approximately how thick is the third layer of the Grand Canyon?

3. How long did Fletcher plan for his journey to take?

4. What is the area directly above the seventh layer of the Grand Canyon called?

5. What were two things Fletcher mentions could have made parts of his path impassable?

Short Essay Questions

1. What were some ways Fletcher planned to deal with the barriers and challenges he expected to face on his journey?

2. How does Fletcher say the new perspective and understanding he gained on his journey changed him in society?

3. As Fletcher talked with Jim Bailey and a park naturalist in a cave at the beginning of "Chapter 6, Rock," he noticed something behind the words of Bailey and the other man. Describe what he noticed and what happened to it after they left.

4. What are some ways Fletcher describes the Havasupai Indians in "Interlude?"

5. Explain what Fletcher states as the explanation for the formation of the Grand Canyon.

6. Briefly describe the event that sparked Fletcher's desire to travel through the Grand Canyon alone.

7. What does Fletcher say was part of the problem with trying to convince engineers that the projects were a bad idea?

8. Where did Fletcher decide to spend the last two weeks of his trip. What did he call the place, and what did he plan to learn there?

9. What doubts, if any, did Fletcher have about the trek through the Canyon after he decided he wanted to do it?

10. What town did Fletcher say he wanted to drive through on his way home from his journey through the Grand Canyon and why?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Choose two dangers Fletcher faces during his journey. Explain how he prepared for such dangers. Give details about the dangers and events if any where they could have changed the outcome of the journey. Conclude your essay with how Fletcher avoided the dangers and what would have happened if he had acted differently.

Essay Topic 2

Although Fletcher is in great physical shape and has lived a solitary simple lifestyle before, he has an adjustment period upon entering the Canyon. Describe the process Fletcher goes through to change himself physically and mentally to adapt to the journey during the first week.

Essay Topic 3

Choose two encounters Fletcher has with the wildlife in the Canyon. Compare his observations and experiences.

(see the answer keys)

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