The Man Who Walked Through Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Colin Fletcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Walked Through Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Colin Fletcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What urge came to Fletcher's mind as he witnessed the different sights at the Rim?
(a) To leave and never come back.
(b) To hike the canyon.
(c) To swim across the river.
(d) To climb the mountain.

2. When did Fletcher's dream become a reality?
(a) Never.
(b) Mid-April.
(c) Early December.
(d) Late February.

3. What is the current age estimate of the seventh layer of the Grand Canyon?
(a) 30 thousand years.
(b) 750 thousand years.
(c) 500 million years.
(d) 1 billion years.

4. The Grand Canyon is found in the northern part of what state?
(a) Arizona.
(b) Colorado.
(c) New Mexico.
(d) Nevada.

5. What term does the author use for what comprises the third layer of the Grand Canyon?
(a) The Supai Formation.
(b) The Grand Layer.
(c) The Great Formation.
(d) The Canyon Layer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What information was not sought by Fletcher before beginning his trip?

2. Why did Fletcher stay at the Grand Canyon Village for a while just before beginning his trip?

3. Where was Lorenzo Sinyala born?

4. How many layers of the Grand Canyon are shown in the schematic in "Part 3, The Journey?"

5. What were some of the necessary items Fletcher took with him on his journey?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "Chapter 4, Challenge," Fletcher details several "stupidities" that caused delays in his trip toward Sinyala Canyon. Describe one of these "stupidities."

2. As Fletcher talked with Jim Bailey and a park naturalist in a cave at the beginning of "Chapter 6, Rock," he noticed something behind the words of Bailey and the other man. Describe what he noticed and what happened to it after they left.

3. Near the end of "Chapter 9, Man," what physical challenge did Fletcher have to conquer to reach his last air-drop and his route out of the Canyon?

4. Briefly describe the event that sparked Fletcher's desire to travel through the Grand Canyon alone.

5. What were some changes Fletcher noticed soon after he left the platform over Hualpai Canyon?

6. Shortly after beginning his journey, Fletcher found himself standing still on a rock platform over Hualpai Canyon. What did he notice while standing there?

7. What doubts, if any, did Fletcher have about the trek through the Canyon after he decided he wanted to do it?

8. How does Fletcher say the new perspective and understanding he gained on his journey changed him in society?

9. What were some of the "signs of man" Fletcher noticed as he approaches Phantom Ranch?

10. At the beginning of "Chapter 5, Transition," Fletcher details how the airdrop has affected him. Describe this realization.

(see the answer keys)

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