The Man Who Loved Children Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Loved Children Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Henny snap at when she is in a foul mood?
(a) Sam for his infidelities.
(b) Tommy for mouthing off.
(c) Louie for being dirty.
(d) Miss Aiden for taking care of Louie.

2. What does Louie see when she looks into Henny's room?
(a) Sam and Henny talking softly.
(b) Henny standing over Sam with a razor in her hand.
(c) Sam sitting with his head in his hands and Henny ranting.
(d) Henny beating Sam.

3. What does Sam say about Louie ever leaving?
(a) He says that she can go whenever she likes.
(b) He says she can never leave him.
(c) He says that if she wants to leave, she will have to pay her own way.
(d) He says if she tries to leave he will kill her.

4. How has the trip changed Sam?
(a) He drinks more.
(b) He is more restrained.
(c) He is more optimistic.
(d) He is more expressive.

5. What does Sam say about Ernie's character?
(a) He has lost his senses.
(b) His morals have disimproved.
(c) He has matured.
(d) He has gone rotten.

Short Answer Questions

1. What have the children become by the end of the summer?

2. What is the state of Sam and Henny's relationship when Henny is making a gift for Cathleen?

3. What makes Sam furious after the reading of the will?

4. What does Sam think Louie's reaction will be if he reads her poetry?

5. What does Henny say she wishes the children would do?

Short Essay Questions

1. What news does Jo bring to the house?

2. Describe Saul Pilgrim's visit in June.

3. Describe Louie's experience in a new school.

4. How does the topic of poetry figure in Sam's homecoming celebration?

5. How do the Pollits end up in Spa House?

6. How does the new baby strain the Pollit household?

7. Describe the reading of David Collyer's will.

8. What is it that upsets Sam during his homecoming celebration?

9. How has the relationship between Sam and Henny changed by the time of Cathleen's eighteenth birthday?

10. What happens when Sam reads Louie's poetry?

(see the answer keys)

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