The Man Who Loved Children Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Loved Children Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Beulah?
(a) Henny's sister.
(b) Louie's mother.
(c) Louie's cousin.
(d) Sam's first wife.

2. What does Sam say he would like to create?
(a) A shelter for degenerates.
(b) A cure for degenerates.
(c) A world run by misfits.
(d) A world without misfits.

3. Josephine Pollit tells Sam about _____________.
(a) A death.
(b) A car accident.
(c) Bonnie's affair.
(d) An illness.

4. What is Louie like when her parents are gone?
(a) Introverted and shy.
(b) Manipulative and squirrelly.
(c) Benevolent and fun.
(d) Strict and overbearing.

5. What does Louie make for Henny when she comes home?
(a) Cookies.
(b) Order.
(c) Tea.
(d) Quiet.

6. How does the narrator characterize the Pollit children?
(a) Hyper.
(b) Civilized.
(c) Disobedient.
(d) Always hungry.

7. What do Louie's cousins teacher her?
(a) How to butcher pigs.
(b) How to write.
(c) How to hunt.
(d) How to tie knots.

8. Where has Henny been when she comes home?
(a) Shopping.
(b) At work.
(c) Traveling.
(d) In the woods.

9. What is Josephine Pollit's role in the Pollit family?
(a) Clown.
(b) Prodigal daughter.
(c) Matriarch.
(d) Lovable nuisance.

10. How old was Louie when her mother died?
(a) Six years.
(b) Nine.
(c) Eighteen months.
(d) Six months.

11. How does Henny characterize the difference between herself and Sam?
(a) He is always coming and going; she is trapped.
(b) He lives on the earth; she lives in the atmosphere.
(c) He lives in a floating cloud; she lives in the back alleys.
(d) He has control over everything; she only has control over the children, sometimes.

12. Why does Louie feel at home with Beulah?
(a) She doesn't have to look after her siblings there.
(b) Her family lets her do whatever she wants.
(c) Her family is happy to have her.
(d) Her family neglects her and lets her have her freedom.

13. What does Josephine Pollit tell the children?
(a) To do well in school.
(b) To never beg.
(c) To mind their parents.
(d) To make her proud.

14. Why doesn't Henny do what she would like to do to Sam?
(a) She says that he always hurts her.
(b) She says that she is afraid to help him.
(c) She says that she can't afford to reward him.
(d) She says that she'd be burdened with his brats.

15. Who does Henny meet in Washington D.C.?
(a) Old Ellen.
(b) Hazel Moore.
(c) Beulah.
(d) Bert Anderson.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Archie Lessinum?

2. What does Henny complain about?

3. For what had Henny asked Norman Collyer?

4. Where is Henny's special place?

5. Where does Beulah live?

(see the answer keys)

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