The Man in the Red Coat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Man in the Red Coat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 90 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At least how many duels took place in Paris between 1895 and 1905?
(a) 300.
(b) 250.
(c) 150.
(d) 50.

2. Who was the father of Leon Daudet?
(a) Alphonse Daudet.
(b) Edward Vizetelly.
(c) Oscar Daudet.
(d) Claude Daudet.

3. Who was the count among the three men who are described visiting London in 1885?
(a) Robert de Montesquiou-Fezensac.
(b) Edmond de Goncourt.
(c) Edmond de Polignac.
(d) Edward Burne-Jones.

4. What is the name of the flamboyant aristocrat featured in A Rebours?
(a) Duc Jean Floressas des Esseintes.
(b) Joris-Karl Huysmans.
(c) Edmond de Polignac.
(d) Alexandre Laboulbene.

5. With what famous actress did Dr. Pozzi have an ongoing affair and friendship?
(a) Catherine Pozzi.
(b) Marie Colombier.
(c) Sarah Bernhardt.
(d) Emma Fischoff.

6. The author quotes Samuel Pozzi in the book, saying that one of his best quotations is in his treatise on gynecology. Pozzi stated, "Chauvanism is one of the forms of" what (49)?
(a) "Hatred."
(b) "Abuse."
(c) "Brutality."
(d) "Ignoranice."

7. When did Robert Caze fight in a duel with Felicien Champsaur?
(a) 1902.
(b) 1886.
(c) 1879.
(d) 1892.

8. What gift did Pozzi receive from Montesquiou in June of 1884?
(a) A pocket watch.
(b) A traveling bag.
(c) A pair of gloves.
(d) A red coat.

9. Who fought in a duel with Catulle Mendes in 1901?
(a) Hubert Juin.
(b) Edmond de Goncourt.
(c) Paul Duval.
(d) Georges Vanor.

10. When was Antoine de Riverol born?
(a) 1779.
(b) 1726.
(c) 1753.
(d) 1802.

11. Who was Pozzi's cousin that was 20 years his senior and a well-known society doctor whose patients including the ruling family of Napoleon III?
(a) Georges-Charles de Heeckeren.
(b) Jean Lorrain.
(c) Edmond de Polignac.
(d) Alexandre Laboulbene.

12. Who was the mother of Caliban in The Tempest?
(a) Leiah.
(b) Sycorax.
(c) Algeron.
(d) Ataranus.

13. When were many Pozzis burned to death for their faith in the Protestant temple of Teglio?
(a) 1700.
(b) 1590.
(c) 1660.
(d) 1620.

14. Who wrote The Earth and the Biblical Story of Its Creation?
(a) Benjamin Pozzy.
(b) Edmond de Goncourt.
(c) Hubert Juin.
(d) Georges Vanor.

15. Who wrote the play Love is the Best Medicine?
(a) Moliere.
(b) Alexandre Laboulbene.
(c) Georges-Charles de Heeckeren.
(d) Jean Lorrain.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was Pozzi's wife Therese's family from?

2. When did Samuel Pozzi restore the family name to "Pozzi" from "Pozzy"?

3. Where was Liberty and Co. located when it opened in London?

4. Who wrote Des Diaboliques?

5. How was Samuel Pozzi injured in the Franco-Prussian War?

(see the answer keys)

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