The Man in the Iron Mask Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man in the Iron Mask Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which character does Raoul warn De Guiche to beware of in Chapter 28?
(a) The king.
(b) La Valliere.
(c) Colbert.
(d) Montalais.

2. What reason does Colbert give D'Artagnan for conspiring against Fouquet in Chapter 41?
(a) He claims Fouquet was holding him back from greatness.
(b) Colbert acted only on errand from the Queen.
(c) He was upset after Fouquet stole his mistress.
(d) He was jealous of Vaux.

3. Which king is the Beaufort's father?
(a) Henry IV.
(b) Henry III.
(c) Louis XIII.
(d) William the Conquorer.

4. What does Beaufort give Raoul as his first order?
(a) He asks Raoul to secure a new horse.
(b) He asks Raoul to take a message to the king.
(c) He asks Raoul to go ahead of him as far as Antibes and make preparations.
(d) He asks Raoul to help him pack his belongings.

5. Who enters the apartment unexpectedly where Raoul is conversing with a lady in Chapter 28?
(a) The princess and De Guiche.
(b) Fouquet and La Valliere.
(c) The Queen and Colbert.
(d) La Valliere and the King.

6. While D'Artagnan is in audience with the King in Chapter 53, what news does a courier bring?
(a) That Fouquet has escaped.
(b) That Raoul has died.
(c) That Aramis and Porthos have escaped.
(d) That Philippe has died.

7. What is the name of Planchet's intended bride?
(a) Truchen.
(b) Anne.
(c) Marie.
(d) Margeruite.

8. How does Porthos die in Chapter 50?
(a) Falling rocks from the ceiling crush him.
(b) He is accidentally blown up while trying to light a fuse.
(c) He is run through with a sword.
(d) He is shot.

9. Why is Fouquet unable to flee Nantes in the end of Chapter 38?
(a) He is very ill.
(b) The king has forbidden him to leave.
(c) He does not desire to flee.
(d) He is being threatened by creditors outside of the city.

10. What reaction does Athos have after he reads a letter from Aramis describing Porthos's death?
(a) He is peaceful with the knowledge that Porthos has gone to a better place.
(b) He is angry at the king and writes a letter.
(c) He falls into a fit of sobbing and cries for hours.
(d) He faints.

11. What fate does the Queen wish for Aramis as expressed in Chapter 36?
(a) She wants him imprisoned for life.
(b) She wants him pardoned and to return to his previous status.
(c) She wants him killed.
(d) She wants him appointed Prime Minister.

12. When Fouquet receives a note in Chapter 39, what is promised to aid his escape from the king?
(a) Asylum at a nearby fortress.
(b) A disguise.
(c) A white horse.
(d) A fast carriage.

13. What does D'Artagnan receive as soon as he returns to the fort in Chapter 32?
(a) A letter from the king.
(b) A letter from Porthos.
(c) A letter from Aramis.
(d) A gift from Fouquet.

14. What does Aramis ask a fisherman to communicate to D'Artagnan in Chapter 42?
(a) He wants D'Artagnan to leave with the fleet.
(b) He wants D'Artagnan to come to the island.
(c) He wants D'Artagnan to allow him and Porthos to escape.
(d) He wants D'Artagnan to alert Fouquet about the attack of Belle-Isle.

15. What type of wine does Beaufort request when he visits Athos and Raoul in Chapter 27?
(a) Red wine.
(b) De Vouvray wine.
(c) White wine.
(d) Chardonnay.

Short Answer Questions

1. What interrupts Aramis and Porthos as they are getting a boat ready to flee?

2. Who does Porthos think they are protecting the Belle-Isle from in Chapter 42?

3. Who sent the note to Fouquet in Chapter 40?

4. What does Raoul give to D'Artagnan to give to Louise de La Valliere?

5. In Porthos's family, what is an omen that men are going to die?

(see the answer keys)

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