The Man in the Iron Mask Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man in the Iron Mask Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 12, The Wine of Melun, Chapter 13, Nectar and Ambrosia, and Chapter 14, A Gascon and a gascon and a half.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Aramis do when Baisemeaux is not looking in Chapter 8?
(a) He steals the keys to several cells.
(b) He drops his hat out of the window as a signal.
(c) He puts some sleeping medicine in Baisemeaux's wine.
(d) He switches the letter of release for a forgery.

2. What reason does Percerin give to D'Artagnan for being pressed for time and unable to help him and Porthos in Chapter 4?
(a) He is making his own outfit for the party at Vaux.
(b) He is making five costumes for the King.
(c) He is training his apprentices.
(d) He is busy working on all of his financial records.

3. Who told Porthos to arrive at Vaux twenty-four hours before the party?
(a) Aramis.
(b) D'Artagnan.
(c) The King.
(d) Monsieur Fouquet.

4. How much money has Fouquet borrowed and not repaid?
(a) Thirteen million.
(b) He is in good standing in all of his accounts.
(c) Ten million.
(d) One million.

5. What motivation does D'Artagnan have to get to Vaux early in Chapter 12?
(a) He wants to rest for the evening.
(b) He feels it is the safest place for the king.
(c) He has plans to meet with his mistress there.
(d) He wants to speak with Aramis.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Philippe hope to learn from observing the king unseen in Chapter 14?

2. Who does the king request to see before he retires for the night on his first evening at Vaux?

3. What interrupts Baisemeux's meal with Aramis?

4. What profession does Monsieur Lebrun hold?

5. What position does Philippe take as he ponders his decision in Chapter 10?

(see the answer key)

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