The Makioka Sisters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Makioka Sisters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Taeko plan on doing according to Book II, Chapter 1?
(a) Got ot Germany.
(b) Go to Paris.
(c) Take on photography.
(d) Elope with Okubata.

2. When does Sachiko plan on returning to Osaka?
(a) After Etsuko see the doctor.
(b) After a few days vacation.
(c) As soon as she can find room in a hospital for Etsuko.
(d) After a couple weeks at the main house.

3. Who has final say in the decision to marry Yukiko to Segoshi?
(a) Tainosuke.
(b) The main house.
(c) Sachiko.
(d) Yukiko.

4. Who is supporting the conversation during the dinner with Segoshi?
(a) Etsuko.
(b) Yukiko
(c) Sachiko.
(d) Taeko.

5. Who saves Taeko?
(a) Sachiko.
(b) Okubata.
(c) Teinosuke.
(d) Itakura.

6. What does the man who took over the family business do in order to insure the continuity of the business?
(a) Marries Itsuko.
(b) Takes the name Makioka.
(c) Buys the business.
(d) Sells shares to family members.

7. What does Yukiko ask Sachiko for concerning the new suitor?
(a) To conduct a close investigation.
(b) To let her meet him alone.
(c) To not meet him before the investigation is complete.
(d) To tell her everything about him.

8. What do Taeko, Sachiko and Teinosuke think during the dinner?
(a) That the food is too cooked.
(b) That the portions of food are too large.
(c) That the house is too small.
(d) That the hosts talk too much.

9. Why does Yukiko refuse to marry Nomura?
(a) Because of the shrine to his wife and children he is keeping.
(b) He is not rich enough.
(c) He is too hold for her.
(d) He does not want to allow her to work.

10. What is said of Tsuruko's house?
(a) It is not as well made as older houses.
(b) It has better plumbing than older houses.
(c) It is better built than older houses.
(d) It is nicer than older houses.

11. Who does Sachiko receive a letter from in Book I, Chapters 23-29?
(a) Mrs Itani.
(b) Tatsuo.
(c) Taeko.
(d) Yukiko.

12. Who visits Sachiko in Book II, Chapter 1?
(a) Okubata.
(b) Teinosuke.
(c) Mrs Itani.
(d) Itakara.

13. What does Taeko tell Sachiko when confronted with the letter?
(a) That she plans to go to Paris.
(b) That she plan on marrying Itekura.
(c) That she plan on marrying Okubata,
(d) That she plan on goig to Germany.

14. What does Mrs. Stoltz tell Yukiko?
(a) That Mr Stoltz wants to leave her.
(b) That Taeko wants to move with them.
(c) That they are leaving Japan.
(d) That they are moving to Tokyo.

15. Who is Mrs. Itani?
(a) The family hairdresser.
(b) The family Seemstress.
(c) The family maid.
(d) The family card reader.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Tainosuke bring Yukiko to see a doctor?

2. Why does Sachiko not want to urge Yukiko about a new suitor?

3. Who is the oldest sister?

4. What type of wife does Segoshi profess his preference for?

5. Why is Teinosuke going to go get Etsuko from school?

(see the answer keys)

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