The Magician Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Michael Scott (Irish author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Magician Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Michael Scott (Irish author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. As which of the following does Sophie gloss the term “ying lung” (64)?

2. Which of the following is the effective span of a dose of Flamel’s immortality potion?

3. Which of the following takes Sophie from Josh as they leave Sacré-Coeur?

4. The novel translates the term “brouillard” as which of the following?

5. Which of the following does Scathach note was her first epithet?

Short Essay Questions

1. How, per Flamel, do Dee and those he serves see humans?

2. What is the prophecy of the twins to which so much reference is made in the novel?

3. What reason does Scathach cite for not experiencing jet lag?

4. What reasons does Perenelle cite for being able to hear the voices of spirits while she is imprisoned at Alcatraz?

5. Why does Flamel note it is good that Machiavelli has deployed multiple police forces to search for him?

6. When introduced, how is Dagon described?

7. What distraction does Francis occasion to cover flight from the Eiffel Tower?

8. What effects does Josh suffer from the sudden flight from Sacré-Coeur?

9. What commentary does Josh offer as Sophie attempts to remember her own phone number?

10. What reasons does Machiavelli have for jealousy of Dee?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

At several points in the novel, the online game World of Warcraft is mentioned by name. What purpose might the repeated reference serve? What in the novel and its contexts, and in experience, suggests that purpose? How does it do so?

Essay Topic 2

What purpose is served by the prefatory note, ostensibly coming from Flamel’s notes? What function does it serve for the text? What in the novel supports that purpose and function? How does it do so?

Essay Topic 3

Online commentaries note that the reliance of YA on teenage protagonists is, in some senses, an indictment of the adults present in YA literature. For what do the adults in The Magician deserve indictment, as indicated by the novel? How does the novel indicate the indictment is deserved?

(see the answer keys)

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