The Machine in the Garden; Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America Test | Final Test - Medium

Leo Marx
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Machine in the Garden; Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America Test | Final Test - Medium

Leo Marx
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What modern problem does Marx take as emblematic of man's treatment of nature?
(a) Pandemics.
(b) Industrial agriculture.
(c) Pollution.
(d) Wars.

2. What was the effect of industrialism in Thoreau's vision?
(a) Industry had generated enormous wealth.
(b) Machines had improved daily life for millions.
(c) Man had become a slave to his tools.
(d) Military developments had made technology deadlier than ever.

3. How did Melville describe whaling?
(a) As a symbol of society.
(b) As an industrial enterprise.
(c) As a spiritual calling.
(d) As an art.

4. What would men of reason provide in Emerson's vision?
(a) Leadership.
(b) Arts.
(c) Political strife.
(d) Science.

5. What did Daniel Webster believe the railroad would do for America?
(a) Unify the people.
(b) Terrify the livestock.
(c) Corrupt the youth.
(d) Destroy the traditions.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was man supposed to return to nature, in Thoreau's vision?

2. What was the general feeling about industrialism in America, as it expanded?

3. Which industry has Marx talked most about, in 'The Machine in the Garden'?

4. What did Coxe foresee for America?

5. What was Daniel Webster's feeling about pastoralism?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was Mark Twain's stance on technology and nature in Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court?

2. How would you characterize Marx's own view about pastoralism?

3. How did Ralph Waldo Emerson see nature?

4. What critique did Carlyle make of industrialism?

5. How did the pastoral ideal redeem the horrors of industrialism?

6. How developed was the land at the end of the 18th century?

7. How does Marx characterize the modern response to pastoralism?

8. What was the dark side of industrialism, in most writers' eyes?

9. How would you describe the genre shift at the end of 'The Machine in the Garden'?

10. What is Ishmael's relationship with Ahab, in Melville's Moby Dick?

(see the answer keys)

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