The Mabinogion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mabinogion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is not one of the results of the terrible scream?
(a) Snow falls in the middle of summer
(b) Animals and trees become barren
(c) Young men and women faint
(d) Women have miscarriages

2. How does Cynon return back to Arthur's court after the black knight takes his horse?
(a) The Hideous Herdsman gives him a stag to ride.
(b) He steals a horse from a farm.
(c) He is given a new horse at the shining castle.
(d) He walks home.

3. What is on the banner topping the white pavilion that the first messenger to Arthur and Owein?
(a) A black snake with red eyes
(b) A red horse with a yellow mane
(c) A gold dragon breathing black fire
(d) A black raven with golden claws

4. What colors are worn by the horse and rider who first meets Rhonabwy?
(a) Yellow and red
(b) Yellow and blue
(c) Yellow and black
(d) Yellow and green

5. Which of the following do the party of soldiers not see on the floor of the old hall?
(a) Broken pots
(b) Holly
(c) Cow dung
(d) Holes

6. What is unusual about the knight seen by Gwenhwyfar and Gereint?
(a) He is a dwarf.
(b) He is very large.
(c) He is green all over.
(d) He is covered in mud and blood.

7. How many times is Peredur able to mend the sword after cutting through the column?
(a) Three times
(b) Twice
(c) Once
(d) Ten times

8. Who helps Peredur take the dead knight's armour off?
(a) Owein
(b) Cei
(c) Gwenhwyfar
(d) Nobody

9. How many maidens does Cynon see in the castle?
(a) Thirty-two
(b) Twenty-four
(c) Two
(d) Ten

10. Who takes the ring from Owein?
(a) An unnamed maiden
(b) Luned
(c) Gwenhwyfar
(d) The Lady of the Fountain

11. How long does Rhonabwy dream for?
(a) A night and a day
(b) One whole week
(c) Three days and three nights
(d) One whole night

12. Which of the following does Peredur not encounter in the quest of the Black Worm of the Barrow?
(a) The Lady of the Feasts
(b) The Lord of the Hunt
(c) Edlym Red-sword
(d) The Sons of the Kings of Suffering

13. Which of the following well-known Arthurian characters is not invoked by Culhwch when he asks his boon from Arthur?
(a) Drwst (Tristram)
(b) Myrddin (Merlin)
(c) Gwenhwyfar (Guinevere)
(d) Cei (Kay)

14. What color is the hair of the Ragged Maiden who offers herself as Peredur's paramour?
(a) We are not told
(b) Red or auburn
(c) Black
(d) Blonde

15. Why can't the Coranieid be destroyed?
(a) They can overhear every plan to destroy them
(b) They are invisible
(c) Iron weapons have no effect on them
(d) If one is killed, it comes back to life

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Arthur's warband first find Twrch Trwyth?

2. Who is the first person of Arthur's court to find Gereint wounded under a tree?

3. What does Gereint do to challenge the knight in the mist to fight?

4. What relation is Culhwch to Arthur?

5. Where do the pure black troop come from?

(see the answer keys)

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