The Lying Life of Adults Test | Final Test - Medium

Elena Ferrante
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lying Life of Adults Test | Final Test - Medium

Elena Ferrante
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Giuliana tell Giovanna on the phone about Vittoria?
(a) She has moved away.
(b) She has eloped with the priest.
(c) She has driven a wedge between Giuliana and Tonino.
(d) She is crazy and has ruined all their lives.

2. What does Costanza do in front of Giovanna in Part III that alarms her?
(a) Pulls out her own hair.
(b) Cries.
(c) Walks in front of a car.
(d) Vomits.

3. What does Ida want to read to Giovanna in Part IV?
(a) The Gospels.
(b) Some novellas.
(c) Some of her own poems.
(d) Some love letters.

4. What is Giovanna's reaction to her father's leaving her and her mother for the first time?
(a) She runs away from home.
(b) She stops studying.
(c) She starts overeating.
(d) She gets in a fight at school.

5. What does Corrado tell Giovanna about how Rosario feels about her?
(a) He tells her Rosario thinks of her like an annoying little sister.
(b) He tells her Rosario hates her.
(c) He tells her Rosario loves her.
(d) He tells her Rosario blames her for his being unpopular.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Tonino and Angela often go for walks together?

2. Why does Costanza ask Giovanna to take off the bracelet in Part III?

3. What does Andrea tell Giovanna about how Mariano supposedly treated Costanza?

4. What does Giovanna confess to Don Giacomo but says too softly for him to hear?

5. How long does it take Giovanna's parents to decide to fully separate?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Giuliana tell Giovanna she likes most about her fiance Roberto?

2. Why does Giovanna think Andrea disappears from her life the first time in Part III?

3. How does Corrado behave towards Giovanna when he picks her up with his friend Corrado?

4. Why does Giovanna hurt Silvestro in Part IV?

5. What does Giovanna say to Don Giacomo in Part IV that he does not hear because she says it too softly?

6. Why is Vittoria proud of Giovanna in Part IV?

7. Why is Giovanna so upset that Nella is going to see Mariano again in Part IV?

8. How does Andrea react to the knowledge that Giovanna is friends with Roberto Matese?

9. In Part III, what does Giovanna tell Angela and Ida about her love life?

10. What misgivings does Giovanna have about Giuliana's relationship with Roberto?

(see the answer keys)

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