The Lying Game Test | Final Test - Medium

Sara Shepard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lying Game Test | Final Test - Medium

Sara Shepard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Emma decide she must get inside of?
(a) The place where Sutton is killed.
(b) Sutton's head.
(c) The place where Sutton played her last prank.
(d) The locked box.

2. What does Sutton remember suddenly?
(a) Being drugged.
(b) Being cut.
(c) Being raped.
(d) Being choked.

3. What does Madeline say when Emma asks her where Charlotte was on the night of Nisha's party?
(a) Madeline says she can't remember.
(b) Madeline says Charlotte was on restrictions.
(c) Madeline says Charlotte was home sick.
(d) Madeline says Charlotte was at another party.

4. What does Emma type on Facebook?
(a) Game changed.
(b) Game over.
(c) Game on.
(d) Game off.

5. To where does Emma invite Madeline?
(a) To study in the library.
(b) To go to the spa.
(c) To a movie.
(d) To a concert.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sutton admit about the person who pulls her from the trunk?

2. What does Emma keep thinking about concerning Laurel?

3. What does Emma suddenly realize as she watches the video?

4. What does Sutton indicate in an entry two days before the video Travis shows Emma?

5. What does Laurel say she has lots more of?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Emma go to the bathroom and why does Sutton feel badly for Emma?

2. What game do the girls play and what does Emma realize?

3. What does Emma think about in class concerning the photo of Laurel?

4. What does Emma figure Laurel could have done as far as luring Emma there and the note on Sutton's car?

5. Why does Emma invite Madeline to the spa and what do the two talk about?

6. What does Emma realize about Sutton and why?

7. Why does Emma tell Ethan the whole story about her being there?

8. What other things could Laurel know that might implicate her in Sutton's death?

9. How does Nisha try to humiliate Sutton?

10. How does Emma have a threatening encounter?

(see the answer keys)

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