The Lying Game Test | Final Test - Easy

Sara Shepard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lying Game Test | Final Test - Easy

Sara Shepard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Emma start to suspect as the girls play a drinking game?
(a) Charolotte may have set up the situation as a prank.
(b) Madeleine may have set up the situation as a prank.
(c) Emma cannot hold her liquor like Sutton did.
(d) Sutton may have set up the situation as a prank.

2. What throws Garrett off for a minute?
(a) Emma says she wants him to choose where they eat.
(b) Emma says she wants to break up.
(c) Emma says she is pregnant.
(d) Emma says she is moving away.

3. What does Emma think the killer may have done?
(a) Left some clues in Sutton's car.
(b) Lured Emma to town.
(c) Killed Sutton by accident.
(d) Tried to keep Emma away from Arizona.

4. What does Sutton want Emma to do once Emma has Sutton's notebook?
(a) Burn it.
(b) Take it to her father.
(c) Take it to the police.
(d) Read it.

5. What does Emma ask of Ethan?
(a) To kill her.
(b) To let her go.
(c) To tell her who Sutton is.
(d) To protect her.

6. What photos are in Laurel's room?
(a) No one that Emma recognizes.
(b) Just movie stars.
(c) Just rock stars.
(d) Sutton's friends.

7. What happens when Emma goes to the bathroom?
(a) The toilet overflows.
(b) The smoke alarms go off.
(c) The electricity goes off.
(d) She hears a scream.

8. Who was interested in Thayer?
(a) Sutton.
(b) Laurel.
(c) Madeline.
(d) Charlotte.

9. To where does Emma invite Madeline?
(a) To a movie.
(b) To go to the spa.
(c) To a concert.
(d) To study in the library.

10. What does Madeline say when Emma asks her where Charlotte was on the night of Nisha's party?
(a) Madeline says she can't remember.
(b) Madeline says Charlotte was at another party.
(c) Madeline says Charlotte was home sick.
(d) Madeline says Charlotte was on restrictions.

11. Of what does Charlotte accuse Ethan?
(a) Of being a stalker.
(b) Of being gay.
(c) Of lying to them.
(d) Of being in love with Sutton.

12. What does Sutton remember suddenly?
(a) Being drugged.
(b) Being cut.
(c) Being raped.
(d) Being choked.

13. Where does Laurel take Emma?
(a) To Garrett's.
(b) To the beach.
(c) To Madeline's.
(d) To Charlotte's.

14. What does Emma ask Ethan?
(a) To lend her money for her to go far away.
(b) To take her away from the house.
(c) To take her to his house.
(d) To take her to Las Vegas.

15. What do Emma and Sutton wonder as the person who stops for a brief chat goes on?
(a) If Laurel and Charlotte conspired together to kill Sutton.
(b) If Charlotte could have been the killer.
(c) If it's too late to get Charlotte and Garrett back together.
(d) If Charlotte still loves Garrett.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has to be more elaborate that the last one?

2. Why would know Emma was thinking of leaving town?

3. What happens when Sutton is turned loose from the chair?

4. What is eerie about Laurel's room?

5. What does the voice say to Emma when she is held fast in the kitchen?

(see the answer keys)

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