The Loved One Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Loved One Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the various zones on the grounds in the funeral home represent?
(a) The varying costs of burial.
(b) The separation of race and nationality.
(c) The cremated versus those whose bodies are buried.
(d) Where famous versus unknown people are buried.

2. How is Mr. Joyboy's work as an embalmer considered?
(a) Mediocre.
(b) Good.
(c) Acceptable.
(d) Outstanding.

3. What does the receptionist ask Dennis that makes him visualize Sir Francis when Dennis finds him?
(a) If Sir Francis had any disfigurements Dennis would like hidden.
(b) Nothing.
(c) If Sir Francis has a particular suit in which to be buried.
(d) If Sir Francis is white.

4. Who is Dennis' boss?
(a) Mr. Shultz.
(b) Mr. Poleski.
(c) No one; he owns the pet funeral home.
(d) No one; he is a freelance writer.

5. What does Aimée think when Dennis gasps?
(a) He is overcome with emotion at Sir Francis' death.
(b) It is admiration of her work.
(c) He is ill.
(d) He thinks Sir Francis looks ridiculous.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what are the side aisles made in the church where Dennis visits?

2. Why does one man say Sir Francis is fired?

3. How are the Englishmen described?

4. What book has Dennis published?

5. When is the first time Dennis Barlow sees a human corpse?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who arrives and what does he say to Sir Francis?

2. What does the opening to Chapter 1 describe?

3. Why does the prospect of a visit to Whispering Glades fascinate Dennis?

4. What was the pinnacle of Sir Francis' life?

5. What does the receptionist say to Dennis about burials?

6. Describe the Orchid Room when Dennis visits Whispering Glades the day before Sir Francis' funeral.

7. What are the English expatriates talking about at the cricket club?

8. What does Sir Francis Hinsley say about Americans?

9. How does Dennis respond to finding a dead Sir Francis?

10. What does Dennis accomplish during his time in Italy?

(see the answer keys)

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