The Loved One Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Loved One Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mr. Joyboy say Dennis must do?
(a) Help Mr. Joyboy figure out what to do.
(b) Give Mr. Joyboy Dennis' word that he will leave Aimée alone.
(c) Pray to God for forgiveness.
(d) Take the job in the other city.

2. Why does Dennis say he should be offended by Aimée?
(a) She has embarrassed him in front of his friends.
(b) She dumps him for a mortician.
(c) She did not recognize some of the best-known poetry in the English language.
(d) She is avoiding him.

3. What does Aimée not realize about the poems Dennis gives her?
(a) They do not mention marriage.
(b) They all sound alike.
(c) They are stolen.
(d) They do not mention love.

4. What is something that bothers Aimée about Dennis?
(a) He has a bad temper.
(b) He is too tall.
(c) He can be unethical.
(d) He has bad breath.

5. What does Dennis ask Erroll Bartholomew?
(a) Why dead people always seem to be smiling.
(b) How to get a job with the State.
(c) How to perform a marriage ceremony.
(d) How to become a non-sectarian minister.

6. What does Mr. Joyboy tell Dennis?
(a) Mr. Joyboy has a job opening in a new city for Dennis if Dennis will go.
(b) Mr. Joyboy is suing Dennis.
(c) Aimée is ill.
(d) Aimée has killed herself.

7. What does Mr. Joyboy say about his mother's state of health when Aimée asks?
(a) She is failing fast.
(b) She is in robust health.
(c) She is sad that Sambo has died.
(d) She has meet a nice gentleman.

8. How long have Aimée and Dennis been engaged?
(a) 3 months.
(b) 3 weeks.
(c) 3 days.
(d) 6 months.

9. What does Aimée write a note to Mr. Joyboy on one day?
(a) A piece of paper towel.
(b) A poem Dennis sends her.
(c) A travel brochure.
(d) A make-up rag.

10. What does Aimée tell Dennis that does not bother him?
(a) She is being demoted.
(b) She is pregnant.
(c) She quit her job.
(d) She is going to dinner with Mr. Joyboy.

11. What does Sir Ambrose give Dennis before Sir Ambrose leaves?
(a) A train ticket.
(b) A diamond ring to pawn.
(c) A note from the President of the Cricket Club.
(d) A check.

12. What is Mr. Slump's mental state?
(a) Mildly amused.
(b) Scarcely sober.
(c) Exuberant.
(d) Excited.

13. What does Mr. Slump ask his secretary to do?
(a) Make his reply to Aimée a little less terse.
(b) Go purchase more whiskey.
(c) Make a new pot of coffee.
(d) Go out with him.

14. Why are the other cosmeticians jealous of Aimée?
(a) Dennis has been paying a lot of attention to her.
(b) Mr. Kenworthy has promoted her.
(c) Mr. Joyboy has promoted her.
(d) Her bodies have better smiles than theirs.

15. In what does Dennis seem unnaturally interested?
(a) A young lady in the coffee shop.
(b) The details of Aimée's work.
(c) Aimée's sister.
(d) Religion.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Aimée suggest Mr. Joyboy do?

2. What has Aimée decided to do?

3. What do Dennis' offerings do?

4. What specific details does Mr. Joyboy offer Dennis?

5. What does Sir Ambrose say to Dennis when Sir Ambrose arrives at the pet mortuary?

(see the answer keys)

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