The Love of a Good Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Love of a Good Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On page 67, what is there an excerpt from?
(a) A letter from Jeanette Quinn.
(b) A letter from Rupert Quinn.
(c) Enid's notes for the doctor.
(d) Enid's personal notes.

2. Once she asks Rupert about his wife's accusation, what does Enid expect his attitude toward her to be?
(a) Hatred.
(b) Relief.
(c) Gratitude.
(d) Suspicion.

3. What does Enid begin to have nightmares about?
(a) Work.
(b) School.
(c) Dying.
(d) Sex.

4. What technique is used in the phrase "then a spot of water would show through, quiet as water in a pot" (63)?
(a) Personification.
(b) Hyperbole.
(c) Simle.
(d) Synesthesia.

5. What is revealed in the paragraph about Mrs. Quinn's wish to smash Mr. Willens's instruments?
(a) She had some kind of sexual relationship with him.
(b) She had hated Mr. Willens since she was a child.
(c) She was really the one who was manipulating him.
(d) She was toying with Mr. Willens to make her husband jealous.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the first place that Mrs. Quinn suggests hiding the car?

2. What does Sylvie claim that her sister has stolen?

3. What is Mrs. Quinn's first thought when she sees Rupert attack Mr. Willens?

4. What is the souvenir cloth from?

5. What technique is used in the phrase "those big willows with the wild grape hanging on to them like monkeys' shaggy arms" (63)?

Short Essay Questions

1. What noise does Mrs. Quinn hear when she is cleaning up after the murder, and what does it turn out to be?

2. How has Enid's job changed because of World War II?

3. What does Mrs. Quinn do while the murder is happening?

4. In the days following Mrs. Quinn's death, what behavior does Enid's mother notice, and what is her theory about Enid's distress?

5. What is Enid's plan for her encounter with Rupert after the funeral?

6. Describe the immediate aftereffects that Mrs. Quinn's confession has on Enid.

7. What does Mrs. Quinn do once the murder is over?

8. How does Enid get a reputation as a "saint," and what role does her mother play in this process (44)?

9. What detail about the Quinn home that Enid noticed in the previous section of the story is explained in this section of the story?

10. What is so troubling to Enid about the dreams she begins having in the summer?

(see the answer keys)

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