The Love of a Good Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Love of a Good Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Enid doing when Rupert comes into the house to find it lit by candlelight?
(a) Reorganizing the kitchen.
(b) Making Rupert some dinner.
(c) Writing in her notebook.
(d) Making Mrs. Quinn an eggnog.

2. What small present does Rupert bring for Enid?
(a) An apple.
(b) Flowers.
(c) A new notebook.
(d) A newspaper.

3. What is implied in the sentence, "The next day Mrs. Quinn's strength came flooding back, in that unnatural and deceptive way that Enid had seen once or twice in others" (56)?
(a) Mrs. Quinn is using some kind of drug to give her an artificial strength.
(b) Mrs. Quinn is only pretending to feel better because she has something important to say.
(c) Mrs. Quinn is rallying right before she is about to die.
(d) Mrs. Quinn was faking a lot of her symptoms just to upset her husband.

4. Where is Rupert going when he tells Enid he will be away for a couple of days?
(a) To buy next year's seed.
(b) To a stock auction.
(c) To help his brother bring in his crops.
(d) To visit his mother, who is also ill.

5. What does Enid begin to have nightmares about?
(a) School.
(b) Work.
(c) Dying.
(d) Sex.

6. While Rupert is searching through the bin in the woodshed, what does Enid imagine?
(a) What her life might be like as Rupert's wife and Lois and Sylvie's mother.
(b) What it would be like to be in charge of sorting through and organizing the house as its mistress.
(c) The life that Mrs. Quinn lived with Rupert before she became ill.
(d) Rupert coming up behind her and killing her while they walk to the river.

7. On the day of the funeral, what has Enid brought along to the Quinn house in her purse?
(a) A pack of cigarettes.
(b) A gun.
(c) A letter.
(d) A camera.

8. When Enid returns to the Quinn house on the day of the funeral, what does she initially say is the purpose of her visit?
(a) To see how Rupert is doing.
(b) To check on Lois and Sylvie.
(c) To find the notebook she left behind.
(d) To ask him to take her out in the rowboat.

9. Besides the smell of the burning cloth, what other smell does Mrs. Quinn blame for making her sick?
(a) The cleaning spray.
(b) The river.
(c) The blood.
(d) The paint.

10. To what does Mrs. Quinn compare the foam coming from Mr. Willens's mouth?
(a) The foam around a rabid dog's mouth.
(b) The foam on the river in springtime.
(c) The foam on boiling strawberries.
(d) The foam peroxide makes around a cut.

11. Where is the first place that Mrs. Quinn suggests hiding the car?
(a) In the river.
(b) In a parking lot.
(c) In the barn.
(d) In the cellar.

12. What happens when they carry Mr. Willens's body outside?
(a) They realize that blood is dropping onto the porch.
(b) The wind blows away the cloth around his head.
(c) They hear the voices of nearby neighbors.
(d) They almost drop his body coming down the porch steps.

13. Who arrives at the Quinn house "before the undertaker did" (68)?
(a) Rupert Quinn.
(b) Mrs. Willens.
(c) Enid's mother.
(d) Olive Green.

14. What does Enid suddenly understand while she is standing in the front room?
(a) That all people are guilty of making harmful choices, and that only God can judge them.
(b) That people collaborate to keep some things silent in order to make the world easier to live in.
(c) That knowing Rupert's secret gives her great power over him.
(d) That she has wasted much of her life on romantic dreams.

15. Why does Rupert think of taking Mr. Willens to Jutland?
(a) It is a common place for people to have accidents.
(b) It will give people the impression that he was headed out of town.
(c) It is remote enough to delay the discovery of the body.
(d) It will look like he got turned around in the dark and accidentally drove into the water.

Short Answer Questions

1. What made Enid feel "Restored to seriousness and respect" (47)?

2. What claim does Mrs. Quinn make about her role in what was happening with Mr. Willens?

3. Where does Enid usually sleep at the Quinns' house?

4. Instead of going in to Mrs. Quinn right away on the morning after Mrs. Quinn's confession, where does Enid go?

5. What is the souvenir cloth from?

(see the answer keys)

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