The Love of a Good Woman Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Love of a Good Woman Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 4: "Heart Failure" Pages 44-56.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As she becomes more ill, Mrs. Quinn becomes "capricious" about her food (49). What does this mean she does?
(a) Expects everything to be cooked to a very high standard.
(b) Picks at her food and eats almost nothing.
(c) Changes her mind for very little reason.
(d) Refuses to eat because the thinks the food is poisoned or tainted.

2. As the children watch the hand in the water, the narrator notes, "It rode there tremulously and irresolutely" (7). How did the hand move?
(a) In a violent, angry way.
(b) In a gentle, calming way.
(c) In an uncertain, unsteady way.
(d) In a mechanical, jerking way.

3. Besides his cooking skills, what else does Cece not tell the other boys about?
(a) His girlfriend.
(b) His hiding place.
(c) His father's drinking.
(d) His mother's illness.

4. Why is the house lit by candlelight when Rupert comes in one night?
(a) The electricity has been shut off for nonpayment.
(b) The electricity has gone out in a storm.
(c) Enid has turned off the lights to let the children sleep downstairs.
(d) Enid is trying to create a romantic atmosphere.

5. When Mrs. Willens sees the boys in front of her house, what does she do?
(a) Tells them to stop standing in the street staring.
(b) Offers them some forsythia to take home to their mothers.
(c) Goes back in the house to get them some cookies.
(d) Asks them if they have seen her husband.

Short Answer Questions

1. What animals are most prominently featured in the description of the boys' walk to the river?

2. What does Enid do about Mrs. Quinn's "violent itching" (31)?

3. What is implied in the sentence, "The next day Mrs. Quinn's strength came flooding back, in that unnatural and deceptive way that Enid had seen once or twice in others" (56)?

4. What do the attentions of the creamery manager at the Town Hall dance tell the reader about Enid?

5. When do the boys plan to go to the police?

(see the answer key)

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