The Love of a Good Woman Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Love of a Good Woman Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 2: "Jutland" Pages 16-31.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Cece Ferns and Ralph Diller find near the river the previous year?
(a) Shell casings from a rifle.
(b) A pack of cigarettes.
(c) A cow's hipbone.
(d) A gold coin.

2. What does the narrator say is the problem with Jimmy's grandmother's cooking?
(a) She is not used to cooking for so many people and there is never enough food.
(b) She makes unnecessary changes in recipes to save money.
(c) She is inattentive and careless.
(d) Her taste buds have gotten less sensitive and she over-salts everything.

3. What does Cece's mother usually do after their midday meal?
(a) Go to work.
(b) Go to her sister's.
(c) Go to church.
(d) Go back to bed.

4. What do the boys plan to brag about when they return from swimming at Jutland?
(a) That they found a dead body.
(b) That they swam when there was still some snow on the ground.
(c) That they swam farther out into the river than any of the other boys have before.
(d) That they went swimming above the dam instead of below it.

5. To what does the narrator compare the opthalmoscope?
(a) A snowman.
(b) A kaleidoscope.
(c) A broken mirror.
(d) A snake.

Short Answer Questions

1. What first causes the boys to notice the submerged car?

2. What does Jimmy get embarrassed by as they walk downtown?

3. Why is Walley especially crowded on the day the boys are walking to the police station?

4. To what does the narrator compare Mr. Willens's arm, floating in the water?

5. What is implied when the boys kick and stomp the sand?

(see the answer key)

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