The Lotus Eaters: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Tatjana Soli
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The Lotus Eaters: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Tatjana Soli
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Helen notice about Gary when they return to Saigon?
(a) He was heavier.
(b) His hair had turned white.
(c) He was gaunt.
(d) He was very pale.

2. What does Darrow say he did not care about for a long time?
(a) His life.
(b) His work.
(c) The Vietnamese.
(d) The country of his birth.

3. What does Robert ask Helen?
(a) To go back to the States with him.
(b) To marry him.
(c) To stay away from Linh.
(d) To stay away from Darrow.

4. Where does Helen go with two green berets?
(a) To the crash site.
(b) To the morgue.
(c) To the airport.
(d) To the jungles just south of Hanoi.

5. For what does Thao blame Helen?
(a) The children in the camp not getting enough money.
(b) The men not paying attention to the Vietnamese women who are widows.
(c) Linh's being lost to Thao.
(d) That Linh is gone for long stretches of time.

6. With whom does Helen dance at Robert's going away party?
(a) Linh.
(b) Tanner.
(c) Annick.
(d) Darrow.

7. What does Helen learn about concerning Linh?
(a) That he still has one child alive somewhere.
(b) The tragedy concerning his family.
(c) That he is a deserter.
(d) His connections with the Viet Cong.

8. What does Linh believe giving in to Thao's seduction will be?
(a) Weakness.
(b) A desecrettion of Mai's memory.
(c) A betrayal of his feelings for Helen.
(d) A betrayal of his brother's memory.

9. What does Darrow say about himself?
(a) He is not married.
(b) He hates the United States for starting this war.
(c) He is ill.
(d) He does not have a death wish.

10. Who is Thao?
(a) Helen's housekeeper.
(b) Darrow's contact with the Viet Cong.
(c) Linh's sister-in-law.
(d) Linh's sister.

11. Why does Linh berate Helen?
(a) For loving a dead man.
(b) He says she is acting like a child.
(c) She is so stoic.
(d) She is insisting on going where press are not allowed.

12. What do some people wonder about Darrow?
(a) If he deliberately puts himself in danger.
(b) If he is deliberately cruel.
(c) If his luck is going to run out.
(d) If he will ever leave Vietnam.

13. What does Linh tell Helen he cannot do?
(a) Whistle.
(b) Cook.
(c) Sing.
(d) Swim.

14. What does Darrow say about Helen to the USAID man?
(a) She has simple tastes.
(b) She prefers soldiers over aid workers.
(c) She is his.
(d) She is crazy.

15. Where is Robert sent?
(a) San Francisco.
(b) LA.
(c) Atlanta.
(d) New York.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Linh talk Helen into doing?

2. How does Linh decide he can pay tribute to Darrow?

3. For what does Linh berate himself?

4. To what do Helen's thoughts eventually return?

5. What can Helen see in Darrow?

(see the answer keys)

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