The Lotus Eaters: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tatjana Soli
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The Lotus Eaters: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tatjana Soli
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Linh say when Darrow mentions Linh is using a different name?
(a) The first name was false.
(b) That other man is dead.
(c) He always hated his given name.
(d) Nothing.

2. At what Air Force Base are Helen and Darrow at the opening of Chapter 4?
(a) Hanoi Phi.
(b) Saigon.
(c) Bien Hoa.
(d) Dong Kwi.

3. When does Linh first spot Helen?
(a) In a battle helicopter.
(b) During a conversation with Bao.
(c) In Darrow's room.
(d) Among the faces at a press conference.

4. What is Curt determined to do?
(a) Ride a hundred foot wave.
(b) Tour the Far East on his motorcycle.
(c) Buy great camera equipment when he returns to the states.
(d) Return to combat.

5. Why does Darrow put his camera down during a battle?
(a) To see if Linh would pick it up.
(b) To save a wounded man.
(c) Darrow never puts his camera down.
(d) To rest his back.

6. What worries Darrow about Helen the most?
(a) That she will stay in Vietnam too long.
(b) That she really is pregnant.
(c) That she will find someone else.
(d) That she will be killed.

7. From what story did the quote about the Lotus Eaters come?
(a) Call of the Wild.
(b) The Odessey.
(c) Star Wars.
(d) Jane Eyre.

8. What does Darrow make clear to Helen when she next sees him?
(a) That he will not take her in the field.
(b) That he does not want children.
(c) That there is no chance for a relationship.
(d) That she should go home.

9. In what kind of unit is Frank MacCrae serving?
(a) Special Forces.
(b) Artillery.
(c) Sappers.
(d) Armor.

10. Who does Helen meet at the river?
(a) Paul Phillips.
(b) Lily Cantor.
(c) Matt Tanner.
(d) Thomas Roberts.

11. Why does the soldier allow Linh to stay with Helen?
(a) He is an American citizen.
(b) He says it doesn't matter anymore.
(c) They are married.
(d) He knows Linh.

12. What does Darrow tell Helen during Christmas dinner?
(a) He wants to marry her.
(b) He is leaving the country.
(c) She needs to go back to the states.
(d) Jack has been killed.

13. What do Helen and Curt talk about on the way out of the field?
(a) Photography.
(b) War.
(c) Surfing.
(d) Motorcycles.

14. What happens when the men in the book in question #1 eat the Lotus Flower?
(a) They turn into monsters.
(b) They lose all desire to leave the meadows.
(c) They fall in love with the women there.
(d) They fall asleep and never wake up.

15. How long has Annick lived in Vietnam?
(a) All her life.
(b) 20 years.
(c) 15 years.
(d) Five years.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Helen's first assignment from Gary?

2. What does Darrow call Helen when he meets her?

3. Why did Michael go to Vietnam?

4. How do Darrow, Gary and Linh feel about Helen when they meet her?

5. Who teaches Helen about darkroom operation?

(see the answer keys)

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