The Lost Horizon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lost Horizon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mallinson insist is their responsibility?
(a) to inform Chang of Barnard's real name
(b) to escape from their prison
(c) to help catch Bryant
(d) to help Barnard avoid arrest

2. How does Conway feel after his interview with the High Lama?
(a) confused and skeptical
(b) serene and happy
(c) anxious and miserable
(d) angry and determined

3. What does Miss Brinklow decide to do?
(a) write a book about Shangri-La
(b) set off on foot by herself
(c) start a Christian church in the valley
(d) learn the Tibetan language

4. When he is with the others, what does Conway pretend?
(a) that he wants to leave
(b) that he knows how they can leave
(c) that he learned nothing from the High Lama
(d) that the High Lama cannot speak any language he knows

5. Who does Conway meet during the next week after his visit to the High Lama?
(a) some of the lamas
(b) another Englishman
(c) Lo-Tsen
(d) a music teacher

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the monk's condition when he reached the valley?

2. What does Chang tell Barnard about newspapers at Shangri-La?

3. What has never happened before at Shangri-La?

4. What has Mallinson done to organize an escape?

5. How does Mallinson challenge Conway?

Short Essay Questions

1. Tell what Chang informs Barnard when he asks for a newspaper.

2. Why does Barnard announce that he wants to stay in Shangri-La?

3. How does Chang relate his residence in Shangri-La?

4. What is Conway's guess that turns out to be correct?

5. How do Mallinson's arguments cause Conway's dream of Shangri-La to dissolve away?

6. How does the High Lama say Conway will age if he stays in Shangri-La?

7. Describe the Dominican monk who came to the Blue Moon Valley in 1734.

8. Who does Barnard turn out to be?

9. Explain what the High Lama sees as the future of the world.

10. How does Conway sidestep informing his friends about the conversation with the High Lama?

(see the answer keys)

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