The Lost Girls of Paris Test | Final Test - Easy

Pam Jenoff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lost Girls of Paris Test | Final Test - Easy

Pam Jenoff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By the time Chapter 12 arrives, Grace has come to understand that Eleanor Trigg had worked for the government of which country?
(a) Poland.
(b) The United States.
(c) Bosnia.
(d) England.

2. For how many days has Marie been living in the cellar of a brothel when Chapter 19 opens?
(a) 9.
(b) 2.
(c) 5.
(d) 3.

3. To which city is Marie taken when she is removed from the safe house apartment against her will in Chapter 21?
(a) Paris.
(b) Amsterdam.
(c) London.
(d) Berlin.

4. What happens when Marie returns to the safe house apartment in Chapter 19 to destroy her radio?
(a) She sends one last message and escapes.
(b) She destroys the radio and escapes.
(c) She is captured.
(d) She is unable to completely destroy the radio.

5. At what time of day does Chapter 20 take place?
(a) Dusk.
(b) Late at night.
(c) Early afternoon.
(d) Early in the morning.

6. In which city is Eleanor working when Chapter 18 opens?
(a) Paris.
(b) London.
(c) Brussels.
(d) New York City.

7. At the end of Chapter 17, Will tells Marie that she has what length of time to look for any sign of Julian before he returns in the plane to get her?
(a) 1 week.
(b) 2 weeks.
(c) 3 days.
(d) 1 month.

8. What is the name of the madame who tells Marie that more than a dozen agents had been arrested in the previous 24 hours?
(a) Clarice.
(b) Yvonne.
(c) Lisette.
(d) Siobhan.

9. While Eleanor is arguing with the Director about Marie, she thinks about a dream she once had of acquiring what object "like the one the witch had in that American film, The Wizard of Oz" (198)?
(a) A watch.
(b) A crystal ball.
(c) A timer.
(d) A broom.

10. Grace returns to her apartment in Hell's Kitchen to find which character waiting for her there?
(a) Her cousin.
(b) Her aunt.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Her brother.

11. Marie recalls experiencing the moment when the bridge exploded with which of her five senses?
(a) Smell.
(b) Touch.
(c) Sight and hearing.
(d) Hearing.

12. By the start of Chapter 18, how many messages has Eleanor received from Marie since she spoke with the Director about her concerns?
(a) 1.
(b) 2.
(c) 0.
(d) 3.

13. To what location does Henri Duquet, a former member of the French resistance, take Eleanor when he leads her from the hotel in Chapter 25?
(a) The Louvre.
(b) Gestapo headquarters in Paris.
(c) SOE headquarters in London.
(d) To his home.

14. Chapter 20 portrays events from Grace's perspective in 1946 in what location?
(a) Washington, DC.
(b) New York City.
(c) Philadelphia.
(d) Bangor.

15. In which city does Chapter 25 take place while portraying events from Eleanor's perspective?
(a) London.
(b) Rome.
(c) Paris.
(d) Brussels.

Short Answer Questions

1. Eleanor tells the Director in Chapter 22 that how many "more radios have gone silent" (264)?

2. Will gently tells Marie in Chapter 17 that which character who was supposed to lay the charge for the bridge detonation is now missing. Who is it?

3. In what type of vehicle is Marie taken away after she is discovered at the safe house apartment?

4. Which character familiar to Eleanor picks her up from her home in a black Austin in Chapter 24?

5. Who assures Eleanor in Chapter 16 that Marie is fine?

(see the answer keys)

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