The Lost Daughter Test | Final Test - Easy

Elena Ferrante
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lost Daughter Test | Final Test - Easy

Elena Ferrante
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Leda unable to return Elena's doll at the start of Chapter 14 as initially planned?
(a) Nina's family left.
(b) Leda is sick.
(c) She cannot find the doll.
(d) The weather was no good for the beach.

2. Who pays for Leda's coffee at the beach house bar in Chapter 23?
(a) Gino.
(b) Rosaria.
(c) Toni.
(d) Giovanni.

3. What does Rosaria say should happen to the person who took Elena's doll?
(a) They should drown in the ocean.
(b) They should get struck by lighting.
(c) They should get brain cancer.
(d) They should have to take care of a crying three year old for life.

4. What does Leda bring to the beach with her the morning after she took sleeping pills and slept well in Chapter 18?
(a) The doll and the new clothes.
(b) Her old doll Mina.
(c) Two bottles of wine.
(d) Homemade brownies.

5. What does Gino tell Leda they will need to give to Giovanni to keep their secret?
(a) A few pounds of fish.
(b) A bottle of wine.
(c) A pack of cigarettes.
(d) 10 Euros.

6. What does Gino say Nina wants him to ask of Leda?
(a) If she can help her leave her family.
(b) If she will help her enroll in university.
(c) If they can use her apartment for a few hours.
(d) If she will watch Elena for a few hours.

7. Who is Corrado?
(a) Rosaria's husband.
(b) Bianca's professor.
(c) Leda's lover.
(d) Marta's boyfriend.

8. How old is Giovanni's oldest son?
(a) 22.
(b) 35.
(c) 13.
(d) 50.

9. What does Leda remove from Nani's mouth while in her apartment bathroom?
(a) A crayon.
(b) A worm.
(c) A baby bottle.
(d) A necklace.

10. How old was Nina when she had Elena?
(a) 25.
(b) 31.
(c) 19.
(d) 42.

11. What does Leda tell Nina happened to her as a mother after she returned to her daughters?
(a) She gave up her career entirely to focus on motherhood.
(b) She resented her daughters for ruining her career.
(c) She felt an irreparable distance had grown between herself and her daughters.
(d) She lived more for her daughters than for herself.

12. What did Leda tell her husband after their vacation with Lucilla?
(a) She was having an affair with Lucilla's husband.
(b) She never wanted to see Lucilla again.
(c) She thought he would be better off with Lucilla.
(d) She wanted to send her kids to live with Lucilla and Matteo.

13. Why would Leda's daughters ask her to leave the apartment when they were teenagers?
(a) So she did not embarrass them in front of their friends.
(b) So they could study in peace.
(c) To have sex with boyfriends.
(d) To throw parties.

14. What does Leda go shopping for at the start of Chapter 14?
(a) A scarf for Nina.
(b) A watch for Gino.
(c) A new dress for Nani.
(d) A new doll for Elena.

15. What does Leda tell Nina she felt "more useless and desperate without...than with" (72)?
(a) Her daughters.
(b) Her husband.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Her work.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Leda's husband tell her when she called him after Professor Hardy's speech?

2. What does Leda recall Bianca doing when she was 5 and Leda was working on an essay?

3. Why is Leda angry at herself the morning after Giovanni came to her apartment?

4. What does Leda see in the woods after she dials the number on the flyer in Chapter 18?

5. What does Nina tell Leda Elena has been doing since her father left in Chapter 14?

(see the answer keys)

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