The Lost Daughter Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Elena Ferrante
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lost Daughter Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Elena Ferrante
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 14 - 19 .

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what way did Leda's daughters play with her as if she were a doll when they were young?
(a) They would change her outfits.
(b) They would tuck her in to sleep.
(c) They would pretend to feed her.
(d) They would brush her teeth and hair.

2. Of what does the pine Leda smells on the path to the beach remind her?
(a) Childhood summer vacations.
(b) Household cleaning products.
(c) Camping with her daughters.
(d) Her first house with her husband.

3. What did Leda get upset with Florinda about?
(a) Stealing her daughter's boyfriend.
(b) Eating all her food.
(c) Dirtying her floor.
(d) Being too loud.

4. What does the daughter of the young Neapolitan woman carry around with her at the beach?
(a) A shovel and pail.
(b) A baby doll.
(c) A parasol.
(d) A pacifier.

5. What is Leda's profession?
(a) Illustrator.
(b) Scientist.
(c) Professor.
(d) Doctor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What secret does Gino tell Leda he knows about Nina?

2. How old was Leda when she had her first child?

3. What does Leda feel her daughters often blame her for?

4. What subject do Leda and Gino settle on for discussion in Chapter 12?

5. With whom did Gianni have an affair after he and Leda split up?

(see the answer key)

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