The Lost Continent: Travels in Small-town America Test | Final Test - Easy

Bill Bryson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Lost Continent: Travels in Small-town America Test | Final Test - Easy

Bill Bryson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who are the Melungeons?
(a) A family Bryson knew as a child.
(b) A group of religious extremists.
(c) Descendents of the settlers of Roanoke.
(d) A common name for local police.

2. What happened to the settlers of Roanoke, VA?
(a) They took over a neighboring town.
(b) They went back North.
(c) They were abducted.
(d) They disappeared.

3. Who would Bryson terrorize in the park at Gettysburg?
(a) His parents.
(b) Children.
(c) Ducks.
(d) Tourists.

4. Why does Bryson joke that aliens have abducted everyone from Peacham?
(a) There are a lot of crop-circles.
(b) No one's around.
(c) He heard a rumor.
(d) The people are so strange.

5. Who owns and operates Mount Vernon?
(a) Bryson's uncle.
(b) A Native American tribe.
(c) The Vernon family.
(d) A historical group.

6. What is the problem with Cooperstown which prevents it from being Bryson's "perfect town"?
(a) There's not enough history.
(b) There are too many tourists.
(c) It's too well-known.
(d) There are no restaurants.

7. How is Philadelphia better than Bryson remembers from his childhood?
(a) It's built a new suburb.
(b) The ghettos aren't as bad.
(c) The mayor renamed the streets.
(d) It's not as much fun.

8. What is Bryson's primary observation about Cleveland?
(a) It's renovated.
(b) It's dirty.
(c) It's busy.
(d) It's better than he remembers.

9. What does Bryson envy about Hal and Lucia?
(a) Their fun jobs.
(b) Their blissful ignorance.
(c) Their easy opulence.
(d) Their happy marraige.

10. What does Bryson think will be the downfall of Detroit?
(a) If their property values drop.
(b) If Ford closes.
(c) If they re-elect the mayor.
(d) If there population increases.

11. What tourists are crowding Cape Cod?
(a) Celebrity watchers.
(b) Fourth of July visitors.
(c) Columbus Day visitors.
(d) Elderly couples.

12. Where does Bryson find "real New England"?
(a) Boston.
(b) Vemont.
(c) Cape Cod.
(d) Maine.

13. After leaving the gas station, how does Bryson become lost?
(a) The roads were blocked off.
(b) He takes a "shortcut."
(c) He fell asleep at the wheel.
(d) He can't understand directions.

14. When Bryson was a child at Gettysburg, his father bought him a _________.
(a) Flag.
(b) Book.
(c) Toy rifle.
(d) Hat.

15. Why does Bryson tune in to a Canadian radio station?
(a) He wants to know the weather up there.
(b) There is no useful information on American ones.
(c) His friend is being interviewed.
(d) They listen to better music.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Mackinac City closed down?

2. Bryson sees a ______ dignitary in Washington D.C.

3. Where was Bryson's brother living recently?

4. What does Bryson do while visiting Hal and Lucia?

5. What does Bryson compare the quietness of Mackinaw Island to?

(see the answer keys)

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