The Lost Boy Test | Final Test - Hard

Dave Pelzer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lost Boy Test | Final Test - Hard

Dave Pelzer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. After David leaves the Turnbough house, who does he move in with?

2. David is sent to live with Harold and Alice Turnbough. What aren't The Turnboughs licensed for?

3. What did David and Harold begin to argue over in the "Coming Around" chapter?

4. What was David's father afraid would happen if his co-workers found out his son started a fire?

5. After David left the Nulls', he was placed with Vera and Jody Jones. How far was their home from his mother's home?

Short Essay Questions

1. In the Break Away chapter, David was living with the Turnboughs again. Did David ever go back and visit his friends on Duinsmoore Drive?

2. What two items did David accidentally leave behind at the Catanze's?

3. In the Estranged chapter, when David sees Russell, his brother, why doesn't David tell that he thinks Russell is now being abused?

4. Why did David feel responsible for the Nulls' divorce?

5. In the Mother's Love chapter, whose house did David refer to as his home?

6. When David is living with the Nulls, what does he do for Joanne when she is upset?

7. Why didn't anyone believe David when he said he didn't start the fire?

8. Who told David that they would do whatever it takes to help him?

9. Why did David ask to be removed from the Walshes' household?

10. Late in the chapter entitled The Defiant One, after David returns to the Catanze's for the second time, what one fact does David cling to when Rudy is yelling at him?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

David had trouble making friends throughout his teenage years. He tells of many instances where he made friends whose goals were to get David into some type of trouble. Explain how David's friendships effected his life. Why did David make the friendships he made? Did the type of friendships he made throughout the story change? If so, how or why? Explain why having a close friend is an essential part of adolescence.

Essay Topic 2

There are many instances during "The Lost Boy" where David describes his mother's actions. During many of these descriptions, she is cold and removed from David. Rarely is she ever kind to David. Citing specific examples, describe five of Roevra's actions toward her son. Where her actions toward David justified? Did Roevra ever apologize or explain her actions toward David?

Essay Topic 3

David lived with many different foster care parents. David was fortunate, because he was able to stay with three of the families for extended periods of time. Which household--the Catanzes', the Turnboughs', or the Walshes'--provided the best experience for David? Please include three specific examples to support your answer.

(see the answer keys)

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