The Lost Boy Test | Final Test - Medium

Dave Pelzer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lost Boy Test | Final Test - Medium

Dave Pelzer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the superintendent of the Hill's C-Wing?
(a) Gordon Hutcheson.
(b) Rudy Cantanze.
(c) Carl Miguel.
(d) Ms. Gold.

2. Who do Carlos and David bump into while at an elementary school near their middle school?
(a) Rick, David's brother.
(b) John, David's brother.
(c) Russell, David's brother.
(d) Kevin, David's brother.

3. David's father says he can forgive David for causing the family problems, but what can't he forgive him for?
(a) He can't forgive him for 'starting a fire.'
(b) He can't forgive him for running away.
(c) He can't forgive him for his divorce.
(d) He can't forgive him for going to the Hill.

4. What was David's father afraid would happen if his co-workers found out his son started a fire?
(a) He was afraid they would stop talking to him.
(b) He was afraid they would throw him a party.
(c) He was afraid they would tease him.
(d) He was afraid it would hurt his career.

5. After David leaves the Jones' foster home, which foster home did he revisit?
(a) The Turnboughs'.
(b) The Cantanzes'.
(c) The Golds'.
(d) The Nulls'.

Short Answer Questions

1. In order to stay friends, what task does John ask David to complete?

2. Who moves into the Turnbough house that David does not like?

3. David did finally receive his G.E.D to quiet Alice's nagging. What did he do after he received it?

4. When David is a sophomore in high school, what program does his school place him in?

5. Why did David quit school?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is "The Hill?"

2. When David goes to court, what does his lawyer tell the judge?

3. Who told David that they would do whatever it takes to help him?

4. In the Estranged chapter, David meets his brother and they decide to meet again the next day. Describe in detail what happened when David tried to find his brother after school the next day.

5. In the Estranged chapter, when David sees Russell, his brother, why doesn't David tell that he thinks Russell is now being abused?

6. Why did David ask to be removed from the Walshes' household?

7. While at the Hill, what did the mental health person want David to do?

8. When David becomes a model student at the Hill, what does he achieve?

9. When living with the Turnboughs, why did David have an issue with Bruce?

10. In the Break Away chapter, David was living with the Turnboughs again. Did David ever go back and visit his friends on Duinsmoore Drive?

(see the answer keys)

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