The Lost Boy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Dave Pelzer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lost Boy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Dave Pelzer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did David fear he would be returning to after his abuse trial?
(a) His mother's house.
(b) Aunt Mary's house.
(c) His father's house.
(d) Ms. Gold's house.

2. What does David have trouble making at Aunt Mary's house?
(a) Friends.
(b) Clothes.
(c) Toys.
(d) Money.

3. What did David's mother threaten to do if Lilian couldn't control David?
(a) Make David live with her,
(b) Have him moved to another home.
(c) Show Lilian how to punish David.
(d) Come and beat David.

4. How much money did Lillian Catanze receive to buy David clothes?
(a) $42.
(b) $127.
(c) $317.
(d) $527.

5. After the trial, David is torn. He cannot decide what he wants more, his mother's love or ...?
(a) More new gifts.
(b) Freedom from Ms. Gold.
(c) To write another note.
(d) Freedom from her control.

Short Answer Questions

1. When David makes his telephone call, he is too scared to dial the numbers. Who dialed the number for him?

2. Who saw Big Larry and David ride past their house?

3. During David's visit with his mother, Aunt Mary leaves the room to answer the telephone. What does Mother do when she is alone with David?

4. Roevra visits David at his new foster home. Who is Roevra?

5. What 'game' did David discover when he tried to make his telephone call.

Short Essay Questions

1. In An Angel named Ms. Gold, why did David feel he should be placed in jail?

2. Why is the date August 21, 1973 important to David?

3. What makes the note David wrote in The Trial significant?

4. What is the bicycle a symbol of to David?

5. When the judge asked David where he wanted to live, David became overwhelmed by two emotions towards his mother. What were they?

6. In Chapter 1, David gives a description of his home life and calls himself his "Mother's prisoner." Give three examples of how David was his "Mother's prisoner."

7. In The Run Away Chapter, why does David thrive for the hours he is away from the house?

8. In New Beginnings, what does Tony do for David?

9. When David first arrived at Aunt Mary's, what was his response to the other foster children when they asked "what he was in for?"

10. Why does David dread commercial breaks?

(see the answer keys)

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