The Lost Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

Dave Pelzer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lost Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

Dave Pelzer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What plan does John concoct that David eagerly goes along with and brags about to his classmates?
(a) To burn down Mr. Smith's classroom.
(b) To play a prank on a classmate.
(c) To run away together.
(d) To beat up a teacher.

2. On Saturdays, what in special event did David and Alice partake?
(a) They went to music concerts.
(b) They went to dances.
(c) They went to the movies.
(d) They played games.

3. Who do Carlos and David bump into while at an elementary school near their middle school?
(a) John, David's brother.
(b) Kevin, David's brother.
(c) Rick, David's brother.
(d) Russell, David's brother.

4. After David leaves the Jones' foster home, which foster home did he revisit?
(a) The Golds'.
(b) The Turnboughs'.
(c) The Nulls'.
(d) The Cantanzes'.

5. At David's new foster home in the "Coming Around" chapter, the foster parents decided to move. What did David assume would happen when they moved?
(a) He would move with them.
(b) He assumed nothing, because the family didn't move.
(c) He would move to his mother's.
(d) He would be placed in a new foster home.

6. Who is David mad at after he completes the Johnny Jones task?
(a) Johnny Jones.
(b) Lilian.
(c) Himself.
(d) Rudy.

7. When David is 17, who does he become obsessed with finding?
(a) Ms. Gold.
(b) His father.
(c) His brothers.
(d) His mother.

8. Who moves into the Turnbough house that David does not like?
(a) Brian.
(b) Connie.
(c) Bruce.
(d) Alice.

9. Who did David say were his true mother and father?
(a) Vera and Jody Jones.
(b) Alice and Harold Turnbough.
(c) Roerva and Stephen Pelzer.
(d) Lilian and Rudy Cantanze.

10. Why does David want to keep his friendship with John?
(a) He is scared of John.
(b) John is his only friend.
(c) John threatened him.
(d) He feels sorry for John.

11. David feels that the Turnbough residence will be his final foster home. What does David tear up while he's there?
(a) A note from his mother.
(b) A postcard from his grandmother.
(c) The list of address of his previous foster homes.
(d) A letter from his father.

12. Who did David think of when he was aboard a 747 heading for his new life?
(a) Alice Turnbough.
(b) Stephen Pelzer.
(c) Jody Jones.
(d) Michael Marsh.

13. What did Johnny Jones dare David to do?
(a) Steal a pen from their teacher.
(b) Steal a beer from the grocery store.
(c) Steal a magazine from the book store.
(d) Steal an airplane from Walgreen's.

14. From whose arms did Gordan have to physically remove David when it was time to leave?
(a) Lilian's.
(b) Connie's.
(c) Rudy's.
(d) Big Larry's.

15. Why was David removed from the Nulls' home?
(a) They were getting a divorce.
(b) They were moving.
(c) They were having a baby.
(d) They lost their foster parent license.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the failed plan, where does David spend the night?

2. What arrangements did Gordan have to make for David because he couldn't find a foster home for him?

3. What does David realize when Carlos and he see his brother?

4. What grade is David getting ready to enter when he lives with the Catanzes?

5. After David left the Nulls', he was placed with Vera and Jody Jones. How far was their home from his mother's home?

(see the answer keys)

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