The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 Test | Final Test - Easy

Lawrence Wright
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 Test | Final Test - Easy

Lawrence Wright
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What organization did Hosni Mubarak travel to Addis Ababa to meet with on June 26, 1995?
(a) Al-Qaeda.
(b) Al-Jihad.
(c) The Organization of African Unity.
(d) The Committee for African Development.

2. What did Osama bin Laden call the former Soviet collective farm where he moved his family in 1996?
(a) Najm al-Jihad.
(b) Omar Hassan al-Bashir.
(c) Abu Ubaydah.
(d) Ahmed Badeeb.

3. From what countries did the Afghani Taliban receive material support (money and arms)?
(a) Sudan and Somalia.
(b) Afghanistan and Sudan.
(c) Somalia and Pakistan.
(d) Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

4. Where did the national coordinator for counterterrorism in the White House discover that Ramzi Yousef had been spotted in February of 1995?
(a) Nairobi.
(b) Islamabad.
(c) Peshawar.
(d) Cairo.

5. When did J. Edgar Hoover die?
(a) 1968.
(b) 1972.
(c) 1979.
(d) 1983.

6. Who was Osama bin Laden's friend an military chief in 1996?
(a) Abu Ubaydah.
(b) Ahmed Badeeb.
(c) Essam Deraz.
(d) Omar Hassan al-Bashir.

7. What is the center of opium cultivation that the Taliban consolidated control over in Afghanistan?
(a) Badakhshan Province.
(b) Jowzjan Province.
(c) Takhar Province.
(d) Helmand Province.

8. What does "GIA" refer to in the text?
(a) Governmental Islamic Alliance.
(b) Groupe Islamique Arme.
(c) Governmental Islamic Atlas.
(d) Group Islamic Alliance.

9. Where were the Khobar Towers located in Saudi Arabia?
(a) Medina.
(b) Baghdad.
(c) Dhahran.
(d) Riyadh.

10. How many men did Osama bin Laden claim to have sent to Somalia to fight against U.S. troops?
(a) 150.
(b) 250.
(c) 300.
(d) 25.

11. What was Israel's attack on Lebonon on April 11, 1996 called?
(a) Operation Grapes of Wrath.
(b) Operation Gomorrah.
(c) Operation Chosen Ones.
(d) Operation Takwhib.

12. Where was Ahmed Ressam originally from?
(a) Egypt.
(b) Croatia.
(c) Syria.
(d) Algeria.

13. Who was John O'Neill's new secretary when he as assigned to head the National Security Division in New York?
(a) Essam Deraz.
(b) Patrick Fitzgerald.
(c) Lorraine di Taranto.
(d) Nathan Meeker.

14. What was the name of the operation that destroyed Hamburg in World War II?
(a) Operation Gomorrah.
(b) Operation Takwhib.
(c) Operation Jihad.
(d) Operation Saul.

15. Who was the Islamic scholar that Prince Turki took with him to meet Mullah Omar in 1998?
(a) Kenneth Karas.
(b) Omar Hassan al-Bashir.
(c) Essam Deraz.
(d) Sheikh Abdullah Turki.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Major General Elfaith Erwa meet with Timothy Carney and covert operatives of the CIA in a hotel room in the U.S.?

2. How many days did raw recruits of al-Qaeda spend in boot camp?

3. Who nominated the World Trade Center as a target for an al-Qaeda attack?

4. Where did CIA operatives kidnap Ahmed Salama Mabruk in July of 1998?

5. Who was Mohammed Atta's friend that referred to Hitler as "a good man" (306)?

(see the answer keys)

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