Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Redd's punishment of Jack of Diamonds for his treachery?
2. Why does Dodge take Alyss to the Heart Castle?
3. What is Alyss' main concern upon returning to Wonderland and the Alyssians?
4. What does Molly do to win Alyss' trust?
5. What would happen if Redd successfully breaks all the looking glasses while Alyss is in the Continuum?
Short Essay Questions
1. How do the Liddells know that Alyss has changed after her argument with Reverend Dodgson?
2. What happens to Hatter when he enters Kensington Palace?
3. How does Hatter escape the Kensington Palace police?
4. What does Alyss imagine for an army?
5. Where does Hatter fist discover a puddle that can return him to Wonderland?
6. What is the title of the book Redd is having Bibwit Harte re-write?
7. When is Alyss retrieved by Dodge?
8. What does Alyss ask for when she becomes engaged?
9. What does Alyss and her supporters encounter in the Volcanic Plains?
10. Where is Alyss staying when Hatter goes to fetch her?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Why is Dodge determined to be a great soldier? Why is it important to him to follow the rules? Dodge starts out as a young boy determined to follow the rules and be the best soldier he can be, to a reckless soldier fighting for Wonderland. Trace the growth of Dodge's character and analyze how it evolved throughout the story.
Essay Topic 2
How was Alyss allowed to behave in Wonderland? How is Alyss expected to behave in London? Compare and contrast the behaviors expected, or allowed, of Alyss when in Wonderland to the expectations of London.
Essay Topic 3
What does the Heart Crystal provide Wondnerland? What does the Heart Crystal provide Alyss and Redd? The Heart Crystal powers imagination and is a portal for inventions made in Wonderland to travel to other worlds. Analyze the symbolism and meaning behind the Heart Crystal.
This section contains 593 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |