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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who is Alyss irritated with because she was expecting them to be with her while she watched the parade?
2. Why is it unpleasant for Alyss to meet some of Quigly's friends?
3. What does people believe will ensure Wonderland's survival?
4. What makes up Wonderland's Parliament?
5. Who is waiting in Queen Genevieve's private rooms?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why do the wardens of Charing Cross take an interest in Alyss?
2. When Alyss jumps into the Pool of Tears, where is she transported?
3. What does Reverend Dodgson tell Alice of her stories?
4. Where do Queen Geneieve and Alyss’ supporters flee too after Redd takes control?
5. How is Hatter captured in France?
6. What does Dodge place on his father’s grave?
7. When Hatter Madigan jumps into the Pool of Tears for the first time with Alyss, where is he transported?
8. What does Redd’s reign thrive on?
9. What does Alyss have to do when she spells her name wrong in England?
10. Who is in Queen Genevieve's private sitting room?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
How does Alyss adapt to the changes she faces from Wonderland to England? How does she change? Alyss transforms from a young girl, raised in luxury, to a young girl living on the streets of London, to a young woman engaged to a prince of England. Trace the growth of Alyss' character and analyze how it evolved throughout the story.
Essay Topic 2
Why was Alyss in England for so long? What did the separation from Wonderland do to Alyss? Ayss was in England for 13 years before she was returned to Wonderland. Analyze and discuss the implications of the author's purpose behind this time frame.
Essay Topic 3
Read the following quote from the novel.
"...and there stood Genevieve and Nolan with their arms around each other, smiling with pride. The progress of the queendom, the Alyssians' victorious coup, whatever successes and failures awaited them in the future—it all began with her, Genevieve and Nolan's presence seemed to say, the power and wisdom that resided within her, the most powerful queen ever to lead Wonderland. "It's all in your head," Genevieve said.
"I know," said Alyss, and despite the traumas of the past, the uncertainty of the future, she wouldn't have given up this moment for anything. "Isn't it wonderful?" (p.358)
Analyze the meaning behind each woman's comments.
This section contains 564 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |