The Looking Glass Wars Test | Final Test - Medium

Frank Beddor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Looking Glass Wars Test | Final Test - Medium

Frank Beddor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Redd's definition of a rhetorical question?
(a) A question you do not answer.
(b) A question that has no answer.
(c) A question to be answered immediately.
(d) A question that you think about.

2. How does Jack bring The Cat and Card Soldiers to the Alyssian Camp?
(a) He walks directly to the camp.
(b) He smuggles the cat in a carrier.
(c) They go through the continuum.
(d) He draws a map for them to find it.

3. What stops someone from entering into the Looking Glass Continuum?
(a) A mirror has to be focused for one to be able to enter the continuum.
(b) A lack of imagination to bring you where you would like to go.
(c) A mirror being smashed into pieces.
(d) A lack of experience traveling through the continuum.

4. What saves Jack from death?
(a) Alyss is in the Crystal Continuum.
(b) The Cat is fabricating the story.
(c) He does not have nine lives, so Redd let him live.
(d) Redd believes his claim of loyalty.

5. How does Redd find out Alyss is still alive?
(a) Jack of Diamonds tells her.
(b) She sees Hatter in her imagination.
(c) The Glass Eyes see her.
(d) She realized The Cat was lying.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Alyss save Dodge from the cannonball spider?

2. Why does Alice agree to marry Prince Leopold when he proposes?

3. What is the one landmark Alyss recognized in Wondertropolis?

4. What forces Hatter to flee back to Wonderland through a puddle when he has finally found Alyss in London?

5. What does Bibwit Harte tell Alyss he thinks of himself?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is a halfer?

2. What does Hatter Madigan discover about Reverend Dodgson?

3. What does Alyss and her supporters encounter in the Volcanic Plains?

4. Who does Alyss become engaged to?

5. What is Mrs. Liddell anxious about when Alyss turns 20?

6. What does Alyss imagine for an army?

7. When is Alyss retrieved by Dodge?

8. Where is Alyss staying when Hatter goes to fetch her?

9. Who helps the group find the key to the Maze?

10. What happens to Hatter when he enters Kensington Palace?

(see the answer keys)

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