The Looking Glass Wars Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Frank Beddor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Looking Glass Wars Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Frank Beddor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 21 – 32 Pages 148 – 220.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one thing Redd is embarrassed about?
(a) Being sent to live at Mount Isolation.
(b) Having her right to the crown taken away.
(c) The defeat and banishment by her sister.
(d) Being defeated by a better army.

2. What is princess Alyss doing with her mother when we first meet them in Wonderland?
(a) Waiting for the birthday guests to arrive.
(b) Waiting for King Nolan to return home.
(c) Watching the Inventor's parade.
(d) Waiting for an invention to be placed in the heart crystal.

3. How does Jack of Diamonds reintroduce himself to Alyss?
(a) He says he was her favorite childhood playmate, pining for her return.
(b) He explains that he has always supported Alyss and is there because of his support.
(c) He tells her he is there to help the Alyssians make plans to defeat Redd.
(d) He says he has been waiting for her return so they can be married.

4. What is the Alyssians contingency plan?
(a) To make a deal with King Arch to fight Redd.
(b) To escape and hide in Outerwilderbestia.
(c) To surrender and give up on Alyss' return.
(d) To escape and hide in the Borderlands.

5. What is Alyss' birthday wish?
(a) That her father does not travel.
(b) That she does not need to do her lessons.
(c) That she finds her friend, Dodge.
(d) That she is queen for a day.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the scene of Genevieve's defeat?

2. What is the easiest means of transport to use to travel to King Arch?

3. What does Alice think her biggest challenge will be as the wife of Prince Leopold?

4. What is needed to travel through the Pool of Tears?

5. Who is Alyss chasing through the streets of London?

(see the answer key)

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