The Long Way Test | Final Test - Medium

Bernard Moitessier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Long Way Test | Final Test - Medium

Bernard Moitessier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the danger of sailing the way Moitessier sailed as he approached Cape Horn?
(a) Taking on water.
(b) Capsizing.
(c) Pitch-poling.
(d) Breaking equipment.

2. How did Moitessier make money to finance his sailing?
(a) By taking charters.
(b) By working for short stints in port.
(c) By performing repairs on other ships.
(d) By writing about his sailing.

3. What is pitch-poling?
(a) Using a spar to hold out the sails in light air.
(b) Putting the wind dead astern.
(c) Capsizing front-first.
(d) Capsizing side-first.

4. What organization did Moitessier become involved with after he and his friends had to move from their part of the harbor?
(a) The Sierra Club.
(b) Weather Underground.
(c) Friends of the Earth.
(d) Greenpeace.

5. What did Moitessier do when the barometer dropped as Moitessier approached Cape Horn?
(a) Lowered the genoa.
(b) Reefed the main.
(c) Eased the mizzen.
(d) Raised the staysail.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Moitessier thinks about a crew that ran out of water, what did he remember them trying to survive on?

2. Where on the Beaufort scale was the wind as Moitessier approached Cape Horn?

3. What did Moitessier feel accused of, now that he was back in civilization?

4. Which cape did Moitessier refuse to round a second time?

5. What did Moitessier see as he approached Cape Horn?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Moitessier dream after he passed the Falklands?

2. What maintenance did Moitessier do after he passed the Falklands?

3. What was Moitessier thinking about in his reading of Steinbeck's East of Eden?

4. What was Moitessier thinking about as he reached the path of his original transit from Trinidad to the Cape of Good Hope?

5. What did Moitessier think about civilization as he approached Tahiti?

6. What path did Moitessier take approaching Cape Horn?

7. How much ice did Moitessier see on his trip around Cape Horn?

8. What did Moitessier do that was dangerous but also exhilarating?

9. Why did Moitessier sail the capes in the order he did?

10. What was Moitessier thinking as he approached Capetown for the second time?

(see the answer keys)

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