The Long Way Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Bernard Moitessier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Long Way Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Bernard Moitessier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where had Moitessier sailed a junk?
(a) In China.
(b) In Vietnam.
(c) In Australia.
(d) In England.

2. With whom did Moitessier communicate off Tasmania?
(a) A yacht.
(b) A canoe.
(c) A cargo ship.
(d) A fishing boat.

3. What did Moitessier capture in a bucket?
(a) Water spiders.
(b) Plankton.
(c) Tuna.
(d) Flying fish.

4. How did Moitessier reconnoiter the town he saw in Trinidad?
(a) By rowing ashore.
(b) By climbing the mast.
(c) By signal flare-light.
(d) By walking around.

5. What did Moitessier do when he was about 300 miles from the Cape of Good Hope?
(a) Throw stuff overboard to lighten the ship.
(b) Stop for repairs.
(c) Transmit his location to a passing ship.
(d) Stop for supplies.

Short Answer Questions

1. How far from Vietnam was Moitessier when he picked up Vietnamese radio?

2. Why did Moitessier keep his sails reefed after rounding the Cape of Good Hope?

3. What did Moitessier have to do when a gale hit?

4. How did Moitessier try to determine whether there was a gale coming as he approached Australia?

5. What fear did Moitessier have about his navigation as he neared the Cape of Good Hope?

Short Essay Questions

1. What chore could Moitessier only perform in calm weather?

2. What dangers did Moitessier avoid as he neared Tasmania?

3. What did Moitessier know about his competitors after rounding the Cape of Good Hope?

4. What event does his interaction with the freighter make Moitessier think back to?

5. What was Moitessier's purpose for sailing close to the coast of South Africa?

6. What did Moitessier see when he arrived in Trinidad?

7. What legend did Moitessier think about after his incident with the porpoises?

8. What did Moitessier decide after meeting with people off Tasmania?

9. What wildlife did Moitessier see on his trip?

10. Who were the sailors competing with Moitessier in the round-the-world race?

(see the answer keys)

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