The Long Way Test | Final Test - Easy

Bernard Moitessier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Long Way Test | Final Test - Easy

Bernard Moitessier
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom did Moitessier say he pitied after he docked his boat?
(a) Wives who haven't seen their husbands in almost a year.
(b) Locals whose livelihoods are disturbed by 'progress'.
(c) Sailors who don't have wild places to sail to any more.
(d) The rats that go to ships to steal food.

2. What did Moitessier do when the barometer dropped as Moitessier approached Cape Horn?
(a) Eased the mizzen.
(b) Reefed the main.
(c) Lowered the genoa.
(d) Raised the staysail.

3. How can you avoid pitch-poling?
(a) Sail with the seas 5-10 degrees astern.
(b) Sail 15 degrees off the seas.
(c) Sail directly downwind.
(d) Sail with the seas on the beam.

4. What were the glowing balls Moitessier saw on the staysail and in the sea?
(a) Dead squid.
(b) Plankton.
(c) Small fish.
(d) Jellyfish.

5. What distinction does Cape Horn have of the three capes?
(a) It is the stormiest.
(b) It is the most unpredictable.
(c) It is the calmest.
(d) It is the farthest south.

6. What did Moitessier see as he approached Cape Horn?
(a) Shooting stars.
(b) A solar eclipse.
(c) Aurora Borealis.
(d) A lunar eclipse.

7. Where did Moitessier go with the other sailors when the weather was bad?
(a) Sail out to sea.
(b) The harbor inside the concrete quay.
(c) Sail to another harbor.
(d) Stay put.

8. What was Moitessier's reaction to civilization again?
(a) He was glad to be in touch with his wife again.
(b) He was angry about development.
(c) He was grateful for the comforts.
(d) He was relieved to be safe.

9. When Moitessier thinks about a crew that ran out of water, what did he remember them trying to survive on?
(a) Flying fish.
(b) Dew from the sails.
(c) Plankton and krill.
(d) Ice and fish.

10. What land did Moitessier find as he rounded Cape Horn?
(a) Isla Caroline.
(b) Isla Wolleston.
(c) Cabo de Hornos.
(d) Diego Ramirez.

11. What did Moitessier fear about going back to civilization?
(a) Being taken over.
(b) Being alone.
(c) Being confused.
(d) Being imprisoned.

12. How much fresh water did Moitessier have to drink every day?
(a) 3 quarts.
(b) 1 quart.
(c) 1 gallon.
(d) 2 quarts.

13. What book was Moitessier reading in which characters debated a passage in the Bible?
(a) Around the World in 180 Days.
(b) Their Eyes Were Watching God.
(c) East of Eden.
(d) The Octopus.

14. What Bible passage were characters debating in the book Moitessier was reading?
(a) Have dominion over the birds and beasts.
(b) In the beginning there was the Word.
(c) Thou shalt rule over sin.
(d) Be fruitful and multiply.

15. Where was Moitessier tempted to stop in Capetown?
(a) A friend's house.
(b) His in-laws' house.
(c) An old lover's house.
(d) The Yacht Club.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much did sails for Moitessier's boat cost in 1968?

2. What did Moitessier call civilization?

3. What mistake did Moitessier make that caused him to be knocked down in the Pacific?

4. What did Moitessier say freak waves are sometimes caused by?

5. What news did Moitessier get about the other racers?

(see the answer keys)

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