The Long Walk Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Long Walk Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Garraty's legs feel like after climbing a hill in Chapter 10?

2. Who is the Walker who hasn't talked to anyone in two hours nor touched his canteen in Chapter 9?

3. What college do the young men who make a human pyramid attend?

4. What is Jan waving when Garraty first sees her?

5. What is on the t-shirt of the boy in the crowd who points out Scramm?

Short Essay Questions

1. What fear does Garraty begin obsessing over in Chapter 15, thanks to Stebbins, and why does it upset him so?

2. How does Barkovitch die?

3. In Chapter 11, the boys are honored by the color guard. How do the Walkers respond and why?

4. What had Garraty's girlfriend said about his going on the Long Walk?

5. What does Garraty reveal about Jimmy Owens in Chapter 11?

6. Garraty was once frightened by a movie starting Robert Mitchum. What was the movie about and why is Garraty thinking about it?

7. Why does Garraty feel a twinge of excitement when he sees a turnpike sign saying that Oldtown is sixteen miles away?

8. When Garraty resumes walking in Chapter 13, why does he feel resentful?

9. When the Walkers reach the 115-mile mark at the beginning of Chapter 9, what locations do they still have ahead of them and in what direction are they headed?

10. What is Pearson's plan for when he feels like he can't go on and why won't it work, according to Garraty?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In Chapter 14, Garraty antagonizes Barkovitch, but in the next chapter, Stebbins does the same to him. Why does Garraty do it? Stebbins? Is it for the same or different reasons? Is it a conscious decision that either makes?

Essay Topic 2

Garraty is drawn to Stebbins, whom he believes is a "Buddha" with the answers. In Chapter 10, Stebbins tells Garraty to talk to Olson. Garraty asks Stebbins, "Is it a very important lesson, would you say?" Garraty then goes to Olson to learn the secret. Discuss what lessons and secrets that Garraty hopes to learn and how this scene foreshadows Olson's death.

Essay Topic 3

When it looks like Harkness is going to get his ticket, Garraty realizes logically that that will help him. What does he mean when he thinks, "But something went deeper, a truer, more frightening logic. Harkness was a part of the group that Garraty was a part of, a segment of his subclan."

(see the answer keys)

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