The Long Loneliness: The Autobiography of Dorothy Day Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Long Loneliness: The Autobiography of Dorothy Day Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Day tour the country to promote?
(a) Catholic Baptism
(b) Suffrage
(c) Protests against the war
(d) The pro-labor movement

2. What kind of houses did Peter create?
(a) Hospitality houses
(b) Halfway houses
(c) Poor houses
(d) Veteran houses

3. What worried the staff at the Catholic Worker when the war ended?
(a) They would lose their popularity
(b) All of these listed items
(c) They would lose their leaders
(d) They would lose their jobs

4. What kind of schools did Day want priests to create?
(a) Labor schools
(b) Seminaries
(c) Political schools
(d) Transition schools

5. What did Peter like to collect?
(a) Farms
(b) Deeds
(c) Degrees
(d) Certificates

6. What was the staff of the Catholic Worker criticized for?
(a) Ignorance
(b) Heavy bias
(c) Pacifism
(d) Antagonism

7. What did Forster’s love of nature do for his faith?
(a) Weakened it
(b) Strengthened it
(c) Burdened it
(d) Challenged it

8. Why did Day say some people were compelled to help the poor?
(a) They lived with a sense of guilt
(b) They feared becoming poor themselves
(c) They were once poor themselves
(d) They heard the call from God

9. Why did Forster have a hard time relating with poor people?
(a) The thought they should work harder
(b) He suffered very little in his life
(c) He never would have asked for help
(d) He was never unhappy when he was poor

10. Why did Day put off becoming a Catholic?
(a) She was pregnant
(b) She knew her family would disapprove
(c) She worried she would lose Forster
(d) She thought it would slow her career

11. What kind of baptism did Day receive when she joined the Catholic Church?
(a) Judicial
(b) Immersional
(c) Conditional
(d) Regional

12. What did Day do when she encountered things in the church she did not understand?
(a) She wrote them down
(b) She accepted them
(c) She researched them
(d) She challenged them

13. What did Steve die from?
(a) Blood injection
(b) Starvation
(c) Typhoid
(d) Cancer

14. What made Forster angry when he was with Day?
(a) Seeing her obsession with the supernatural
(b) Seeing her with other men
(c) Seeing her family not accept him
(d) Seeing her be more successful than him

15. What was Steve’s occupation?
(a) Writer
(b) Carpenter
(c) Playwright
(d) Press Operator

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Day serve when her child was baptized?

2. How many children did Tamar have?

3. Whose example did Day want to follow when working with the poor?

4. What made people think the product created by Peter and Day was Communistic in nature?

5. What kind of science did Forster study?

(see the answer keys)

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