The Long Goodbye Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Long Goodbye Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Terry say is the only thing he has left?
(a) Marlowe
(b) His sanity
(c) His gun
(d) His wife

2. What color hair does Eileen have?
(a) Black
(b) Red
(c) Blonde
(d) Brown

3. What does Earl say is not reliable?
(a) His humor
(b) His temperature
(c) His friends
(d) His temper

4. What does Morgan say is convenient?
(a) Marlowe's alibi
(b) The police's time wasting
(c) Marlowe's release
(d) Terry's death

5. Where did Terry board the second plane?
(a) Quebec
(b) Montreal
(c) Sau Paulo
(d) Mazaltan

6. What does Terry call the waiter in his letter?
(a) Mozo
(b) Dippy
(c) Chico
(d) Bozo

7. What does Verringer demand from Roger?
(a) Money
(b) His gun
(c) His property
(d) Love

8. Where are the names of the two officers at Marlowe's house?
(a) Wilmur and Rogers
(b) Henry and Cornfield
(c) Davis and Dann
(d) Green and Dayton

9. What letter does the doctor's name begin with?
(a) E
(b) C
(c) V
(d) Q

10. Who does Marlowe meet for the first time at Verringer's property?
(a) Jack Hobbs
(b) Randy Starr
(c) Amos Varley
(d) Roger Wade

11. What does Verringer run?
(a) A hospital
(b) A retreat for artists
(c) A detox center
(d) A family clinic

12. Who does Eileen question Marlowe about?
(a) Earl
(b) Spencer
(c) Verringer
(d) Terry

13. What does Lennox say he has in Las Vegas?
(a) A business
(b) A family
(c) A job
(d) A mistress

14. Why does Marlowe not drink himself to sleep?
(a) He is off the booze
(b) He does not have alcohol
(c) He has to meet Spencer
(d) He does not want to sleep

15. What does Marlowe think would have happened if he had asked Terry to tell his life story?
(a) He would have caused more deaths
(b) He would have saved two lives
(c) He would have been bored
(d) He would of had material for a novel

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Terry leave by his body?

2. Where does Marlowe learn Terry has remarried Sylvia?

3. Why is Verringer in Peter's files?

4. What name did Terry board the second plane under?

5. Who calls Marlowe on the phone before Menendez can speak?

(see the answer keys)

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