The Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is hanging on the wall of Mr. Standish's office?
(a) An oversized diploma.
(b) A stuffed animal from the fair.
(c) A wooden spoon.
(d) An empty black picture frame.

2. What is being delivered outside Dirk's house as he wakes up in the morning after the Heathrow incident?
(a) A vending machine.
(b) A harpsichord.
(c) A pizza.
(d) A giant cauldron.

3. What does Dirk give Bates for the newspaper he takes?
(a) A puppy.
(b) A nickel.
(c) Twenty pence.
(d) An IOU.

4. With what has Thor been attached to the floor?
(a) Superglue.
(b) Jell-o.
(c) Ropes.
(d) Chains.

5. What is country of origin of the record turntable in Anstey's basement?
(a) Switzerland.
(b) UAE.
(c) Japan.
(d) Germany.

6. What is the name of Kate's brother?
(a) Jackson.
(b) Jason.
(c) David.
(d) Harold.

7. At what type of cafe does Dirk take up residence after buying his I Ching calculator?
(a) An Islington cafe.
(b) A French cafe.
(c) A Cotswold cafe.
(d) An Irish cafe.

8. Who does Dennis Hutch work for?
(a) The Chrysalis Record Company.
(b) The Queen.
(c) The Aries Rising Record Group.
(d) The Pentagon.

9. What is the floor made of that Thor is attached to?
(a) Vinyl.
(b) Oak planks.
(c) Particle board.
(d) Linoleum.

10. What does Dirk find in his refrigerator when he opens it in the morning that disturbs him?
(a) A spider.
(b) A second human hair.
(c) A moldy banana.
(d) A smelly piece of meat.

11. In what way does Toe Rag consider himself a professional?
(a) As a whistle blower.
(b) As a provocateur.
(c) As a servant.
(d) As a sabateur.

12. What is the rank of Mr. Ralph Standish at Woodshead?
(a) Chief consultant psychologist.
(b) Janitorial advisor.
(c) Head head surgeon.
(d) Director of electro-shock therapy.

13. What did Kate's neighbor steal from her that has injured their relationship?
(a) Mail.
(b) Money.
(c) Mousse.
(d) Milk.

14. Who recorded "Hot Potato"?
(a) Anarchy's Midwife.
(b) Pugilism and the Third Autistic Cuckoo.
(c) Seclusion of the Orion Scorpionic Monks.
(d) Rolling Stones.

15. What does Kate think her hospital room smells like?
(a) A sewage treatment plant.
(b) A dog pile.
(c) Sour mop water.
(d) A vacuum cleaner's armpit.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the boy wearing that Dirk encounters in the attic room?

2. What does the mechanic claim damaged the sensitive parts of the engine workings of Dirk's car?

3. How does Thor think of Toe Rag's voice?

4. Who does Mr. Standish say is in a trance and engaged in automatic writing at Woodshead?

5. On the I Ching calculator, what represents any calculations above 4?

(see the answer keys)

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