The Lonely Londoners Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Sam Selvon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Lonely Londoners Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Sam Selvon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Pages 38-60.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On page 26, how many cigarettes are immigrants allowed to bring with them?
(a) 150.
(b) 300.
(c) 200.
(d) 250.

2. Where is the employment exchange located whereMoses sends Galahad on page 32?
(a) Willow Road.
(b) Hampstead Road.
(c) Edgware Road.
(d) City Road.

3. What was the name of a girl Lewis was seeing before he married Agnes?
(a) Millie.
(b) Agnes.
(c) Mable.
(d) Hattie.

4. How much does a Jamaican fellow charge for double rooms on page 20?
(a) 5 guineas.
(b) 1 or 2 guineas.
(c) 3 guineas.
(d) 3 or 4 guineas.

5. On page 37, where does Moses tell Galahad a man was from who tore up all the files and papers at the employment office?
(a) Barbados.
(b) Grenada.
(c) Jamaica.
(d) Trinidad.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long was Cap able to stay at a hotel after getting married before he had to leave on page 49?

2. On page 19, how much does Moses comment that Tolroy and his countrymen can live on per week and also save money?

3. On page 40, how long might Cap stay on a job?

4. On page 29, what time does Moses get Galahad up to go and look for work?

5. On page 26, how much money can an immigrant bring into Britain from Jamaica?

(see the answer key)

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