The Logic of Scientific Discovery Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Logic of Scientific Discovery Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of classes are singled out and can not be subject to the rigors of scientific empirical scrutiny?
(a) Unified classes.
(b) Empty classes.
(c) Sub-classes.
(d) Unique classes.

2. What theory attempted to eliminate unobservable events?
(a) The Bohr Model.
(b) Newton's theory of gravity.
(c) Einstein's theory of probability.
(d) Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

3. What is the most significant factor when selecting a theory?
(a) The degree of testability.
(b) The understandability.
(c) Its universality.
(d) Previous research.

4. What view of probability depends on inductive logic?
(a) Naturalistic view.
(b) Hypothetical view.
(c) Inductive view.
(d) Deductive view.

5. What is determined by obscuring a logical connection between statistical and non-statistical interpretations, with regard to uncertainty theory?
(a) A metaphysical basis.
(b) A physical basis.
(c) A mental basis.
(d) A logical basis.

Short Answer Questions

1. What will classes with greater dimensions have?

2. What does not requires one to change the number of parameters of the displacements of groups of points.

3. What is Popper's goal in researching a theory?

4. What should researchers abstain from doing with regard to the probabilities of their research?

5. By seeking the highest degree of universality and precision, what type of content results?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Popper prefer quantitative over qualitative methods?

2. Why, according to Heisenberg, can measurement not be a basis for prediction?

3. Using Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, what does Popper attempt to prove?

4. What is the basic contribution that Popper makes to the logic of the theory of probability?

5. What rule does Popper use when discussing the importance of probability in terms of physics?

6. What does Popper say about simplicity and the philosophers who emphasize its importance?

7. How is logical probability represented?

8. How is the physical basis for the uncertainty theory undermined?

9. How does falsifiability relate to the dimensions of a statement under investigation?

10. According to Popper, where does the value of simplicity lay?

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