The Logic of Scientific Discovery Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Logic of Scientific Discovery Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What formula, developed by Popper, suggests that no aggregate of particles is more homogeneous than a pure case?
(a) Statistical pure case formula.
(b) Statistical scatter relations formula.
(c) Wave formula.
(d) Particle formula.

2. What is Feigl's reasoning to the motion of simplicity?
(a) It can be better tested.
(b) It appeals to the economy of thought.
(c) It can be better justified.
(d) It reveals more empirical content.

3. What lies in the testability of simple systems?
(a) The justification of simplicity.
(b) The construct of simplicity.
(c) The value of simplicity.
(d) The flaw of simplicity.

4. What occurs with non-numerical probability statements when converted into numerical problems?
(a) Their meaning is distorted.
(b) They invalidate the problem.
(c) There are more degrees of freedom.
(d) They gain power.

5. What is the result, according to Popper, when inductive logic is used?
(a) Falsifiable theories.
(b) Infinite regress.
(c) Statistical significance.
(d) Finite regress.

6. What does Popper thinks about Wittgenstein, Schlick, and Feigl's thoughts on simplicity as a basic law?
(a) It misses crucial points.
(b) It fully explains the law.
(c) It cannot be tested.
(d) It should include probability.

7. What relationships does Popper explore in chapter 8?
(a) Probability and assumptions.
(b) Probability and simplicity.
(c) Probability and experience.
(d) Probability and scientific fact.

8. According to von Mises, what occurs to the frequencies of events when event sequences become longer?
(a) They increase at the same rate.
(b) They decrease at the same rate.
(c) They develop an inverse relationship.
(d) They become equal.

9. How do conventionalists define simplicity?
(a) As a unified practice.
(b) Unpractical.
(c) Aesthetic and practical.
(d) As a means to an end.

10. According to Popper, what philosophy ignores the hypothetical character of statistically derived estimates?
(a) Metaphysics.
(b) Conventionalism.
(c) Positivism.
(d) Inductivism.

11. What type of classes are singled out and can not be subject to the rigors of scientific empirical scrutiny?
(a) Empty classes.
(b) Unique classes.
(c) Unified classes.
(d) Sub-classes.

12. What is complimentary to the degree of falsifiability?
(a) Empty classes.
(b) Justifications.
(c) Logic.
(d) Probability.

13. Who does Popper feel has been unsuccessful in purging atomic science of metaphysical influences?
(a) Newton.
(b) Einstein.
(c) Bohr.
(d) Heisenberg.

14. What has a limited utility in comparing falsifiers?
(a) Sub-dimensions.
(b) Sub-justifications.
(c) Sub-classes.
(d) Sub-tests.

15. What does Popper feel is one of the premier scientific achievements?
(a) Quantum physics.
(b) Psychology.
(c) Mathematics.
(d) Biology.

Short Answer Questions

1. What, according to von Mises, is derived from certain initial probabilities and distributions?

2. What increases with the increase of the degrees of falsifiability?

3. What plays a vitally important role in empirical science?

4. What is determined by obscuring a logical connection between statistical and non-statistical interpretations, with regard to uncertainty theory?

5. What do some researchers suggest occurs when the probability is paired with testability?

(see the answer keys)

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