The Logic of Scientific Discovery Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Logic of Scientific Discovery Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Popper consider existential statements to be?
(a) Metaphysical.
(b) Concrete.
(c) Tautological.
(d) Logical.

2. What can observation do for science?
(a) Establish the truth of a statement.
(b) Justify statements.
(c) Provide information on facts.
(d) Assume falsification.

3. Statements that are not testable serve what purpose?
(a) Judge science.
(b) Validate previous experience.
(c) They serve no purpose.
(d) Suggest a problem.

4. What is one characteristic of the relationship between theory and classes of statements that must be present?
(a) Consistent.
(b) Abstract.
(c) Tautological,
(d) Auxiliary.

5. What type of reasoning does Popper deny exists?
(a) Inductive.
(b) Scientific.
(c) Testable.
(d) Deductive.

6. What must a philosopher do to accept Poppers proposed definition of science?
(a) Understand empirical science.
(b) Agree with its constructs.
(c) Read his background theories.
(d) Accept the consequences.

7. What helps to realign or redefine accepted theory?
(a) Positive justification.
(b) Falsification feedback.
(c) Deductive consequences.
(d) Positive theory results.

8. What term does Popper use of empirical science?
(a) Metaphysical.
(b) Artificial.
(c) Synthetic.
(d) Inductive.

9. What deductive tests determine if a theory is a scientific advance?
(a) Empirical applications.
(b) Internal consistency.
(c) Investigations.
(d) Comparing theories.

10. What ties down fundamental ideas?
(a) Contradictions.
(b) Conventions.
(c) Rules.
(d) Constructs.

11. What does Popper feel is a fruitless exercise?
(a) Naming singular things.
(b) Naming universal things.
(c) Naming logical things.
(d) Naming metaphysical things.

12. What type of statement is deduced from universal statements?
(a) True.
(b) Assumed.
(c) Singular.
(d) Logical.

13. What does Popper states the "game of science" is?
(a) A farce.
(b) A principle.
(c) An ultimate truth.
(d) A concept.

14. With what does psychologism concern itself?
(a) Concept of demarcation.
(b) Questions of fact.
(c) Logical analysis.
(d) Questions of justification.

15. Popper feels the principle of causality is not falsifiable and therefore regards it as what?
(a) Physical.
(b) Metaphysical.
(c) Tautological.
(d) Empirical.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when theories are refined?

2. What do the constructions of the laws of nature determine?

3. What comprises empirical science?

4. To what does Popper equate critical thinking?

5. How does logic serve in determining if a statement is testable?

(see the answer keys)

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