The Logic of Scientific Discovery Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Logic of Scientific Discovery Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of approach do positivists use to investigate scientific statements?
(a) Theoretical approach.
(b) Inductive approach.
(c) Deductive approach.
(d) Logical approach.

2. What must a philosopher do to accept Poppers proposed definition of science?
(a) Agree with its constructs.
(b) Accept the consequences.
(c) Read his background theories.
(d) Understand empirical science.

3. What is important to Popper's argument for a logic of science?
(a) Universal statements.
(b) Potential falsifiers.
(c) Theories.
(d) Singular statements.

4. For what purpose are methodological rules developed?
(a) Protect demarcation.
(b) Falsity demarcation.
(c) Question demarcation.
(d) Wholly prove demarcation.

5. What type of reasoning, according to Popper, is not rational?
(a) Inductive.
(b) Scientific.
(c) Deductive.
(d) Testable.

6. How does logic serve in determining if a statement is testable?
(a) It creates provability.
(b) It creates understanding.
(c) It does nothing.
(d) It sets up criteria.

7. What term does Popper use of empirical science?
(a) Artificial.
(b) Synthetic.
(c) Inductive.
(d) Metaphysical.

8. What type of rule do positivists and reductionists adhere to, according to Popper?
(a) Non-logical rules.
(b) Dogmatic rules.
(c) Logical rules.
(d) Rules of Psychology.

9. How are theories used to explain the world?
(a) As abstract thought.
(b) As concrete fact.
(c) By questioning everything.
(d) As guides.

10. Statements that rule things out rather than include more things are considered what type of statements?
(a) Tautological.
(b) Universal.
(c) Singular.
(d) Falsifiable.

11. What does Popper give credit to conventionalism for doing?
(a) Adapting to varying conditions.
(b) Offering differing opinions.
(c) Blind acceptance of logic.
(d) Linking theory to experiment.

12. What does Popper say about positivism?
(a) It is a clear way of thinking.
(b) It is based on scientific data.
(c) It is too narrow, limited, and misguided.
(d) It is based on invalid assumptions.

13. What holds the fate of a theory?
(a) Point of view.
(b) Other theories.
(c) Justifications.
(d) Decisions.

14. What is used to capture and explain the world?
(a) Scientific data.
(b) Logical statements.
(c) Theories.
(d) Laws of nature.

15. What does Popper consider existential statements to be?
(a) Metaphysical.
(b) Logical.
(c) Tautological.
(d) Concrete.

Short Answer Questions

1. What deductive tests compare conclusions?

2. How many conditions must a statement satisfy in order to be falsifiable?

3. What is the theory of theories?

4. What does Popper admit is a problem with scientific investigations?

5. What challenges Poppers use of falsification as criteria in deciding is a theoretical system is empirical?

(see the answer keys)

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