The Log from the Sea of Cortez Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Log from the Sea of Cortez Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 207 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Steinbeck see the history of the human race?
(a) It is totally unpredictable and without pattern.
(b) It is a series of bursts of nervous energy.
(c) It is a very logical and predictable progression.
(d) It is not a linear progression, but as a series of bursts of nervous energy.

2. What is the expedition party's last collecting stop?
(a) La Paz.
(b) San Diego Bay.
(c) Magdalena Bay.
(d) San Gabriel Bay.

3. Which statement best describes the marine life in Puerto Escondido?
(a) There is no marine life to speak of.
(b) The marine life is greatly preserved by the locals, as shown from many posters seen around town.
(c) The number of specimens are reduced because the tide carries them all out of the island.
(d) The number of specimens are increased due to the wide variety of habitats and niches in the entrance of the bay.

4. Which statement best describes the expedition team's reaction on the topic of going home?
(a) Tex and Tony want to stay while the rest want to go home.
(b) Only Tex and Tony are looking forward to going home, the rest want to stay.
(c) The team wants to take several children from Guaymas with them.
(d) John Steinbeck and Ed Ricketts want to stay to complete their expedition mission.

5. Where is Puerto Refugio located?
(a) Near the Sea of Cortez, just south of the island.
(b) Along the east coast of Guardian Angel Island.
(c) On the east coast of Magdalena Bay.
(d) Along the northern part of San Diego Bay.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the expedition party use instead of the tide chart to watch the rise and fall of the tides?

2. What are the fishermen heading out to work complaining about early in the morning on April 8th?

3. How does the expedition party scare the shark that was circling their their boat?

4. How do the ladies of Laredo react to the expedition party?

5. How does the author describe the call of the doves?

Short Essay Questions

1. Santa Rosalia is described as much different from the other towns they have seen. What could have been in Santa Rosalia that makes it so different from the others?

2. Steinbeck and Ricketts willingly accept the offer to go on a big sheep-hunting expedition even though it is apparent that they do not have the desires to hunt any creature. Give a probable explanation as to why the two readily agreed to the invitation in the first place.

3. Describe the expedition party's experience with their camera equipment. What happens with the equipment and what resolutions are derived from their experience?

4. Sparky and Tiny are always anxious to spend some time in the towns, which they are unable to do in Santa Rosalia. Give probable reasons as to why the two are always looking forward to spending some time in the towns.

5. Describe Guardian Angel Island and how the crew takes to it. What were the feelings of the crew while they were on the island?

6. Discuss on Steinbeck's theory on how relaxation and laziness can lead to greater productivity.

7. Tiny harpoons stingrays at the island of Tiburon. Give probable explanations to Tiny's seemingly attachment to harpoons. Cite specific examples in the book to support this explanation.

8. When the group is discussing the activities of the Japanese dredge boats and trawlers, Steinbeck contradicts himself from his earlier position on food wastage. What is Steinbeck's new position on the food wastage?

9. This particular section when the expedition party are near Guaymas and see these spotless fishermen is dated Aprill 22, which proves to be erratic. Give probable explanations to the error in date.

10. Discuss Steinbeck's theory on how societal restrictions dictate what is acceptable behavior and what is not. What introduced this discussion?

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