The Lock Artist: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Steve Hamilton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lock Artist: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Steve Hamilton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do the people at the Higgins Institute think Mike should get over his trauma?
(a) He was not physically harmed.
(b) He was too young to remember.
(c) It happened in another place.
(d) It was long ago.

2. What is Mike's new name on his fake license?
(a) William.
(b) Willam.
(c) Walter.
(d) Wilton.

3. What does Gunnar make Mike do before hiring him?
(a) Crack a safe.
(b) Undo his hand cuffs.
(c) Pick a lock.
(d) Sign a contract.

4. Where did the CA Crew meet?
(a) A board meeting.
(b) A juvenile center.
(c) Prison.
(d) A school.

5. Why does Ramona go shopping in Beverly Hills?
(a) To get Mike some clothes.
(b) To put up an alibi.
(c) To get needed supplies.
(d) To pass the time.

6. Why is the heat in the house on Laurel up so high?
(a) To neutralize the sensors.
(b) To mask the need for workers.
(c) To get the owners out.
(d) To make it feel like home.

7. How many pagers does Mike have?
(a) 4.
(b) 5.
(c) 3.
(d) 6.

8. How many people knock on Mike's door when he changes residences after the diamond fiasco?
(a) 5.
(b) 6.
(c) 4.
(d) 3.

9. How long does Mike say it took him to get to his first job?
(a) 2 days.
(b) 2 months.
(c) 2 weeks.
(d) 2 hours.

10. __________ is called the first time Mike is arrested.
(a) Julian.
(b) Amelia.
(c) Grant.
(d) Lito.

11. What does Mr. Marsh forbid Mike to do?
(a) Leave the work site.
(b) Tell others what he is doing.
(c) Look at Amelia.
(d) Take breaks.

12. How does Mike differentiate between the pagers?
(a) The tone of the beeps.
(b) The initials of the senders.
(c) The colors.
(d) The size of the pagers.

13. Why doesn't Mike talk to his lawyer the first time he is arrested?
(a) He is worried about getting someone in trouble.
(b) He is afraid.
(c) He is a mute.
(d) Lito tells him not to.

14. How did Mike learn to pick locks?
(a) He worked on one of Lito's old locks.
(b) He picked the locls of his room at the Higgins Insitute.
(c) A student at the deaf school showed him.
(d) He had a dream about it.

15. Where is Mike supposed to be from during his first job with the CA Crew?
(a) Germany.
(b) Denmark.
(c) Russia.
(d) Finnland.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the real safe found on the second try of the diamond heist?

2. What is the group in CA called?

3. What is Mr. Randolph's occupation?

4. How does Mike escape after Bigmouth is shot?

5. What does Amelia's boyfriend chide her for?

(see the answer keys)

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